Atrial Fibrillation - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of All Types of Heart Disease Disorders

Atrial fibrillation is a violation of the rhythm of the heart, leading to serious consequences. When a pathological focus of pulse circulation appears in the sinus node or atrial tissue, the myocardium shrinks chaotically, rapidly. The heart rate reaches 300-600 U / min. Another name for the pathology is atrial fibrillation. It can develop as a sign of ischemia, angina pectoris, heart defects and other diseases.

Forms of atrial fibrillation

The ailment can proceed in different ways. In the general concept, depending on the types of disorders, fibrillation and atrial flutter are distinguished. In the first case, individual groups of fibers of the heart muscle contract, the pulse remains at the level of 500 per minute. If atrial fibrillation is observed, their coordinated reduction is not possible. The atrial rhythm remains correct with flutter, but the atria contract more rapidly: up to 200-400 U / min, almost without interruption of the movement of the myocardium. The diastolic pause is too short. The ventricles are working on wear and tear.

The course and duration of arrhythmia is the principle by which the disease is divided. Allocate such forms of ailment as:

Constant atrial fibrillation

The absence of restoration of the sinus rhythm is characterized by a constant form of atrial fibrillation. The attack lasts for years, the presence of this form is said when the period lasts for 2-3 weeks or more. Medical interventions aimed at controlling rhythm are not undertaken or are rarely undertaken. It is considered possible to maintain arrhythmia. The optimal result, which can be achieved with the help of therapy, is a decrease in the heart rate to 60-75 U / min. Patients live with their diagnosis for many years and feel well.

Persistent atrial fibrillation

When signs of pathology persist for more than 7 days, they speak of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). Its course can be relapsing, there are repeated attacks. Minor atrial contraction occurs randomly, the amount of blood entering the body decreases. This condition does not threaten life, unless it accompanies other cardiac diseases. Sometimes the long-persistent atrial fibrillation of the heart, which lasts more than a year, differs, but unlike a constant, attempts are made to interfere with its course and take control of the rhythm.

Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

The easiest form of AF, the feature of which is spontaneous recovery (without the use of drugs) of sinus rhythm. This is due to the cessation of the impact of the triggering factor, for example, a decrease in emotional, physical activity or the cessation of a stressful situation. Attack of the disease - paroxysm of atrial fibrillation - can be repeated. The cardiac heartbeat is registered in the first day (24-48 hours), this is the optimal time to eliminate it.

Atrial Fibrillation of the Heart - Causes

Atrial fibrillation causes the heart to function unstably. After the recurrence of several seizures (2-3), chronic atrial fibrillation arises. Atrial fibrillation is associated with pathologies that promote the development of arrhythmia, and can occur in people of any age: up to 40% of cases of paroxysmal and up to 25% of persistent. Provoke attacks, as a rule, diseases of blood vessels and heart muscle:

Other causes of atrial fibrillation are also called. These include non-cardiac pathologies that disrupt the work of the main muscle, and other provocateurs:

Atrial fibrillation - symptoms

Depending on the form of the disease, features of the state of the myocardium and health in general, atrial fibrillation manifests itself in different ways. The clinical picture varies from asymptomatic flow to severe manifestations of the disease. Symptoms may not be observed, for example, with paroxysmal arrhythmia. But even then, as a rule, the first manifestations of the disease appear: pain in the left side of the chest and shortness of breath, which does not stop and at rest. Most likely, both of these signs indicate that there was atrial fibrillation of the heart, the symptoms are characteristic.

The main symptoms are difficult to confuse with other conditions, especially if a person faces this more than once. Other signs of seizures:

Attack of atrial fibrillation

Symptoms of atrial fibrillation may go unnoticed, and the patient learns about his pathology only after examining the doctor. Attacks begin suddenly and repeat throughout life. The duration and frequency of paroxysms for each individual, the symptoms are felt in different ways. In typical cases, there is weakness, trembling, chaotic palpitations, fear. With a strong increase in heart rate, pallor, dizziness, and fainting may occur.

Pulse with atrial fibrillation

One of the methods by which the atrial fibrillation (chronic or not) is diagnosed is the palpation of the pulse. The patient has a deficiency: the atrium is not working, the ventricles do not have enough time to fill the necessary volume of blood. The number of heart beats in the measurement is not equal to the pulse. If there is a flutter of the atria, the symptoms of the pathology mentioned above are supplemented by irregular arrhythmias-rapidity.

What is the danger of atrial fibrillation?

Any cardiac pathology is fraught with complications. In the case of atrial fibrillation, the most common dangerous consequences are thromboembolism and heart failure. Mitral stenosis causes plugging of the atrioventricular thrombus opening, leading to cardiac arrest. 15% of ischemic strokes occur due to arrhythmia. Threats that life atrial flutter brings for life include pulmonary edema, cardiac asthma, cardiomyopathy (dilated).

Atrial fibrillation - treatment

When the atrial fibrillation is diagnosed, the treatment is carried out in accordance with medical tactics aimed at preventing repeated seizures, normalizing heart rate, maintaining sinus rhythm, preventing thromboembolism. Atrial fibrillation does not heal completely, but it is controlled, and doctors try to protect the patient from relapses, restore the rhythm of the heart. Before treating atrial fibrillation, you need to find the cause of the pathology and eliminate the provocateurs, and also get rid of the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease.

Atrial fibrillation - clinical recommendations

If there is atrial fibrillation, what should I do? The tactics of treatment are determined by the diagnosis, which, depending on the disease-provoking factors, includes consultations of such specialists as:

They prescribe further treatment. General objectives of therapy: to improve the quality of life of the patient, to increase its duration with this diagnosis, to reduce the number of hospitalizations. Symptoms should be eliminated or prevented, heart rhythm and abbreviations taken under control. With AF you can live, but doctors should improve the prognosis.

Preparations for atrial fibrillation

Is it possible and how to treat atrial fibrillation of the heart with the help of medications? Conservative medical therapy is used effectively (10-15%). In less serious cases - ciliary paroxysmal arrhythmia - is stopped with novocaineamide, cordarone, quinidine or parapanorm. Medications are taken intravenously or orally, but assistance should be provided at the time, and the level of pressure is constantly monitored. The scheme of treatment with other medicines is as follows:

  1. To slow heart rate and relieve unpleasant symptoms, preparations of the beta-blocker group are used: Carvedilol, Proprorol, Pindolol, Anaprilin, and others.
  2. The excitability of cardiac fibers is removed by Cordanon, Quinidine, Allapinin.
  3. Glycosides normalize the work of the myocardium (Digoxin, Korglikon, Celanid).
  4. The formation of thrombi is prevented by Warfarin and Pradax and anticoagulants Enoxaparin, Heparin, Fondaparinux.
  5. Drugs that dilute blood - dezagreganty - are represented by such drugs as Aspirin Cardio, Cardiomagnolo , TromboAss, etc.

Ablation of the heart with atrial fibrillation

If drug therapy has not given results, surgical intervention is possible. Catheter ablation is a medical procedure in which the focus of arrhythmia is destroyed by physical impact. This operation is not very traumatic, since it does not require opening of the chest - only small incisions are made and a catheter is inserted that penetrates to the myocardium. Influence on the lesion can be done in several ways: by cold, chemical substance, laser, electric pulse, energy of radio-frequency waves (RFA) with atrial fibrillation.

There are such forms of ablation (destruction) as:

Atrial fibrillation - operation

In some cases, it is not possible to eliminate arrhythmia without an operation. To support the right heart rate helps a pacemaker - a compact device that fits under the patient's skin around the collarbone. Via the vein, an electrode is connected to it and penetrates into the heart cavity. The device generates impulses that force the heart muscle to contract at the right frequency, atrial fibrillation and ventricular fibrillation blocking.

Another surgical method used in the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation is the "labyrinth" operation. Its task is to eliminate disunity in the heart, forcing atrial sites to shrink in the established order. The electrical signal propagates along the indicated path - the so-called "labyrinth", which is formed by the formation of scars on the heart tissue. Cuttings are made not only by the scalpel, but also by the ablation described above: RFA (moxibustion) and cryodestruction (freezing).

Atrial fibrillation - treatment with folk remedies

Regardless of the severity of the heart disease, its adjustment is possible with the help of alternative medicine - together with drug therapy or separately, for example, as preventive measures. If there was atrial fibrillation, folk remedies are used with caution, under the supervision of a doctor. The treatment is of an auxiliary nature.

Effective methods are based on the positive properties of some plants. In herbal medicine, you should pay attention to drugs that can slow down clotting and prevent symptoms of arrhythmia. The most famous and effective:

  1. Hawthorn is a wonderful home remedy for getting rid of arrhythmias. The extract of this plant can be mixed with valerian or motherwort.
  2. Infusion of dill seeds is an effective tool that reduces the severity of pathology.
  3. Decoction of berries of the Kalina normalizes high blood pressure, positively affects the vessels. Sometimes take with honey.
  4. Yarrow (spirituous tincture of leaves) is drunk twice a day in a teaspoon, reducing the risk of blood clots.

Atrial fibrillation - prognosis of life

Cardiac diseases, which are complicated by arrhythmia, increase the risk of lethality by more than 1.5 times. Therefore, patients with this ailment are interested in the question: how many live with the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation? The prognosis depends on such factors as the causes of the pathology, the available and possible complications, the state of the myocardium and the ventricles. The most dangerous of arrhythmias - leading to the rapid development of heart failure. They are caused by severe myocardial damage, for example, a heart attack. Similar problems are associated with heart disease, but the predictions are strictly individual.

Any symptoms that indicate irregularities in the heart should not be ignored. With AF, the main muscle begins to tremble, shrink too quickly, irregularly. Attack lasts no longer than a minute, but should alert. Atrial fibrillation is a common disorder that occurs in 2% of all people. But a serious ailment can be diagnosed and treated. Modern medicine offers effective and innovative techniques in the fight against arrhythmia.