ATSTS with dry cough

Active substance in ACC is acetylcysteine. Having chosen the main letters, the manufacturer came up with this simple name for the cough medicine, which soon became popular. The drug is available in three forms:

Composition of ACS

Each form of the preparation has its own composition, which can differ both in flavor additives and in more serious components.

Auxiliary substances for effervescent tablets are:

In the powder for the creation of the ACC solution, there are significantly fewer auxiliary substances that make up the preparation:

Auxiliary substances in granules for the preparation of syrup are:

The most commonly used powder for solution and tablet, as they are most convenient to use. However, the indications for different forms of the drug are slightly different, therefore, when using the ATS, it is worth considering this.

Indications for use of ATSs

Many believe that the medicine is able to cure any kind of cough and get it without a doctor's appointment - this is a mistake. Since ATSTS with a dry cough does not help, so it is used very rarely.

Among the main indications for the drug are:

1. Diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by hard-to-remove viscous sputum. This is about:

2. Average otitis media.

3. Acute and chronic sinusitis.

Powder for the preparation of the solution has an additional indicator for use - laryngotracheitis, and granules for the preparation of syrup - chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

ATSTS appointed for the treatment of dry cough only after drugs that increase the liquid part of the secret, will make the cough more productive, that is, wet. This also applies to the tablet form of the drug, in spite of the widespread use of Long's ATC with dry cough, it is unfortunately absolutely powerless without auxiliary drugs, for example Ambroxol or Bromhexine.

Contraindications for the use of ATSTS

Contraindications for the use of ATSTS with a dry and moist cough are:

Also, it is not superfluous to consult with your doctor before taking the drug.

Instructions for use ATSTS

Instructions for the use of ATSs for dry coughs indicate that depending on your illness and the form of the drugs, the dosage and timing of the medication change. So, adults with bronchitis need to take ACTS 400-600 mg per day, that is, 2 effervescent tablets or 2 packages of powder 3 times a day.

In the case when the patient suffers from cystic fibrosis, he is prescribed 800 mg of acetylcysteine ​​per day.

Granules for the solution can be dissolved in purified water, juice, cold tea or compote. In order for them to dissolve more quickly and completely, the drink should be warm.

To prepare the syrup, it is necessary to add the boiled warm water (room temperature) in the vial to the ring mark.

The drug in any form should be washed down with an additional liquid. This will enhance the mucolytic properties of ATSTS, thereby making the therapeutic effect of the drug stronger.

ACS is taken after a meal. With simple catarrhal diseases, the course of treatment lasts within 5-7 days, in more complicated cases it can last about several months.