Lugol Spray

Lugol's taste is familiar to many from childhood. Previously, this medicine was indispensable in diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Do not lose the drug of relevance today, in addition, pharmacists have taken care of the new packaging. Lugol Spray has all the medicinal properties of a conventional Lugol solution, but it is much more convenient to use it.

Composition and action

The main active substance of the drug is iodine, which, falling on the pharyngeal mucosa, is converted into iodides by 30%. Also in the composition of the spray spray include:

Molecular iodine is a strong antiseptic, and also has a wound-healing effect. Gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and pathogenic fungi are sensitive to it. Staphylococcus is less susceptible to lughal-sprays, but prolonged use of the drug can destroy them. Resistant to the drug only Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Iodine exerts a mild irritant effect on the mucous membranes, which is intended to compensate for glycerol, the emollient component of the drug.

Indications and contraindications

Apply spray for injuries, wounds, myalgia as an external remedy. Effective iodine in the treatment of infected and fresh burns I-II degree, atrophic rhinitis, purulent otitis, trophic ulcers, stomatitis. Spray treated affected areas several times a day.

However, the most commonly used spray lyugol for the treatment of the throat, or more precisely - with acute and chronic tonsillitis (sore throat).

Has a lugol-spray and contra-indications. People with thyroid disorders (especially with thyrotoxicosis) should consult a doctor before using the drug. Do not use lugol spray with increased sensitivity to iodine. To infants, irrigation of the throat with any aerosol is contraindicated. this can lead to laryngospasm. Women in the situation to apply lugol is not recommended, and nursing mothers can resort to the help of this drug only in exceptional cases.

Lugol spray with angina

Iodine perfectly copes with bacteria that cause inflammation of the tonsils. The drug literally after the first irrigation of the throat relieves pain, which is particularly strong in angina.

The way of using the spray gun is simple: the throat is irrigated 2-6 times a day, holding the breath at the moment of pressing the cap. It is important not to let the medication into the eyes. If this happens, you need to rinse them with water or a solution of sodium triosulfate (an antidote that will also help in poisoning with arsenic, lead, mercury).

It is worth noting that lugol spray with pharyngitis , caused by viruses, is ineffective. Therefore, with the usual cold, accompanied by a cold, pain and burning in the throat, it is better not to use iodine - it will rather harm, causing even more irritation of the mucosa.

Advantages and disadvantages

Undoubted advantages of the drug are:

The minuses of the spray can include:

Despite the many positive reviews, there are people who do not help this medicine at all.

Some manufacturers produce dispensers that spray the product streamwise, which causes the throat to be treated unevenly. In tonsillitis, doctors recommend using lugol solution - the spray is not able to cover the tonsils completely.