Sex after childbirth

On the sexual relations of spouses after childbirth affects many factors, among which the last place is occupied by the nature of the course of labor, their severity and soreness. In the event that natural births proceeded normally, without complications and medical interventions, the period for which the uterus is released from excess blood is 4 to 6 weeks. During this time, the uterus returns to its previous state after all the changes and shrinks to its former size, and the tissues damaged during delivery are restored. To have sex before, for example, a week after childbirth is strongly discouraged.

When can you have sex after childbirth?

After giving birth, you can only have sex after the expiry of the period for which a complete restoration of the female body is to take place.

At this time, sexual intercourse is prohibited for reasons that we will consider below.

1. The possibility of infection

After giving birth, the female genital tract is at risk of infection in the vagina, cervix or uterus. After infection of the uterus, its inflammation occurs - endometritis. Endometritis is the main severe postpartum complication.

2. Blood discharge after sex after giving birth

Doctors recommend waiting at least six weeks after childbirth, otherwise during intercourse may begin bleeding from damaged during delivery of blood vessels.

If complications occurred during childbirth, then the duration of abstinence from sex should last as long as necessary for the complete healing of all wounds of the birth canal of a woman. Complete healing of the birth canal women can last several months, depending on the degree of complications that have arisen during labor. A woman is able to feel herself willing to have sex, but the attending physician should confirm full recovery.

A woman does not want sex after giving birth

It happens that some women immediately after sex are hurt to have sex. The duration of these painful sensations can not be clearly determined. According to statistics, almost half of the women who have given birth three months after the birth experience discomfort during sex.

Sex immediately after delivery for many women is painful for other reasons that we have not considered. Unpleasant sensations or pain during sex after childbirth can be caused due to superimposed seams, which sometimes leads to a change in the configuration of the vagina. In the area of ​​the sutures during sexual intercourse, pain can occur due to penile pressure, so it is recommended to soften these areas with special ointments for keloid scars. Also in the postpartum period, the mucous membranes and skin become more sensitive in the area of ​​the entrance to the vagina.

After giving birth, the anatomical relationship between the genital organs of a man and a woman changes. During labor, the vagina expanded, in order to pass the baby through the female birth canals, leaving the vagina in a relaxed state, or a little sluggish. Over time, the vagina will regain its former firmness and size. To speed up this process it is possible with the help of Kegel exercises. These exercises need to be performed both before and after childbirth. If a woman regularly performed Kegel exercises, then problems with stretching the vagina may not be at all, as trained muscles will quickly assume the same shape and elasticity after childbirth.

These characteristic changes in the shape and elasticity of the vagina can also cause concern for a man. During sexual contact, a man may not feel the walls of the vagina, but remember that these are temporary phenomena and soon everything will return to normal.

The first sex after childbirth - through how much can you?

Having sex after childbirth can be done in 6 weeks, we have already found out. But if a woman has ruptures and micro-traumas (this may be indicated by pain in the perineum), even if visually they are not visible, then the abstinence period can last up to two months.

In some cases, pain during intercourse can be felt due to changes in the anatomy of the vagina, which occurred through the necessary surgical intervention during childbirth. Sometimes doctors need to carry out reconstruction operations in order to establish a full sexual life for spouses.

Women who gave birth with caesarean section in this regard are easier, since their genitalia remain unchanged, and the cervix and vagina remain the same as they were before pregnancy. But there are other problems that are associated with the suture on the uterus, because of them the restoration of sexual life can last longer than that of women giving birth naturally.

Many women who gave birth, no matter how the childbirth was taking place, still have some problems. First of all, this is a lack of estrogen hormones, which can lead to postpartum depression.

Also, dryness of the vagina is observed, but this can easily be eliminated with lubricants and lubricants. The main thing is that these lubricants do not contain hormones in their composition if the woman is breastfeeding.

During sex after birth, the pose needs to be selected most comfortable for the woman, because if there were complications during labor or sutures in the perineum, pain may occur during sexual intercourse. Neither traditional nor anal sex after birth due to stitches in the perineum or in the uterus is not recommended, until the full healing of postnatal wounds.

Contraindications do not have oral sex after childbirth, or masturbation. These types of sex can be dealt with, without waiting for the expiry of the six-week period.

It should also be noted that after giving birth, some women do not experience any problems during sex, and even vice versa, they say that the attraction to her husband has become stronger, and the orgasm is brighter!

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Sincerely we wish excellent relations in your family, and be happy!