The ideal "fast": myths and reality

We will learn how emergency services work all over the world.

We are accustomed to complain about domestic medicine because of slowness and incompetence, especially in the case of emergency teams. In conversations they are often compared to the same foreign services that come faster and work professionally, and are staffed more professionally, and even do not ask for money for petrol. But are foreign "quickies" really better, or is it just an erroneous impression?

1. The USA

To get emergency help in the United States, you need to dial all the familiar number - 911. If the case is really urgent, the corresponding brigade will leave for you, but it is not worth waiting for her to diagnose and treat her. In America, the ambulance performs mainly transport functions - paramedics stabilize the condition of the victims and bring them to the hospital as soon as possible. Highly qualified doctors expect already in the clinic's hospital, where diagnostics and therapy are carried out.

For the elderly who have serious health problems, there is an interesting and very convenient service. For a small monthly fee they are provided with a miniature device with a button, when pressed, an emergency call is made. The device is usually attached to the tape and is worn around the neck like a pendant.

The speed of arrival of paramedics in the US is no more than 12 minutes.

2. Europe, Israel

In most European countries, the emergency number is unified, 112 (from a mobile phone), in Israel it is necessary to dial 101. The organization of medical assistance is similar to the American system, paramedics usually arrive at the scene, whose task is to bring a person alive to the hospital.

But there is another kind of brigade, they include a qualified doctor, and the machines are equipped with the necessary equipment and medicines. The decision about which vehicle to send is taken by the dispatcher who processes the incoming call in accordance with the severity of the described symptoms. It is important to note that in Israel and Europe, as in the US, "fast" services are paid, their cost starts from $ 10 and depends on the range of assistance provided.

The speed of arrival of an emergency car in the countries in question is up to 15 minutes, but, as a rule, 5-8 minutes.

3. Asia

Although in China and communism, and pay for the call of doctors will have, and much more than in Europe, Israel and America. The average cost of medical services of such a plan is about 800 yuan, which is about 4000 rubles. or 1500 UAH. But the victim will come to a highly qualified doctor who is able to diagnose and provide professional assistance right on the spot. At the request of the patient, he will be taken to any hospital, not necessarily the nearest department.

Korean, Japanese and brigades of other Asian countries work on the European system, where either an emergency car with paramedics or an ambulance car with a certified doctor can send a call. But the price of such "pleasure" is also quite high, comparable to the cost of calling specialists in China.

The speed of arrival of the ambulance in the countries of Asia is about 7-10 minutes.

4. India

Here the situation with emergency medical care is rather deplorable. Free government teams are so small that even in life-threatening cases, specialists come too late (after 40-120 minutes), or the calls are generally ignored. In addition, the professionalism of workers in such medical services leaves much to be desired, good doctors who are willing to work for a scanty salary, practically none. This is earned by private companies that provide skilled and prompt medical services, which, naturally, are expensive and inaccessible to most Indians.

Fortunately, in 2002, five young doctors, educated in the United States, organized a semi-charitable organization Ziqitza HealthCare Limited (ZHL). A private company provides emergency medical care to a high level of absolutely all residents of India, regardless of their material wealth and social status.

Machines ZHL equipped with the latest technology and come for 5-8 minutes.

5. Australia

Pay you or not for calling an ambulance in the country of parrots, depends on your location. In some states (QLD, Tasmania) this service is free, but only with insurance. The rest of Australia is less loyal to patients, and the purse will have to be emptied for both the call itself, and for transportation (according to the kilometer footage), and direct medical care. The average price of a "full package" of services is about 800 Australian dollars. And even the most expensive and extended insurance does not cover such expenses.

A positive aspect of such huge spending is the highest qualification of visiting doctors and machines equipped to provide the necessary assistance in absolutely any situations.

The speed of response to a call in Australia is amazing, the car "ambulance" gets to the desired point in just 5-7 minutes.

Taking into account the cost of emergency medical services abroad, as well as their limited spectrum, one should think: is it so bad for us?