Whether it is necessary to be protected at pregnancy?

Already a huge amount of time, doctors and experts argue over whether it is possible to have sex during pregnancy or not. If you decide not to deny yourself the pleasure, then during an intimate relationship, watch your feelings. It remains only to find out, such a seemingly illogical moment, whether it is necessary to be protected during pregnancy.

First trimester

If you do not have any prohibitions, then the performance of marital duties is not canceled. It is clear that to be protected during pregnancy is not for the purpose of protection, but in order to protect against infection. If you do not have thrush or any other infections and the husband is completely healthy, then unprotected sex is allowed. The main thing is to observe the hygiene of the sexual organs.

If the tests show the presence of infection, it is recommended to use a condom during sexual intercourse, as it protects the fetus from possible infection.

Is it necessary to be protected during pregnancy in the second trimester?

During this period, the sex drive increases, and many women can experience orgasm for the first time. At this time, the mother-child relationship is so strong that the baby feels positive emotions during orgasm. In addition, the supply of nutrients and oxygen through the placenta increases. About mechanical damage you do not have to worry, because the fetus is well protected by the placenta, amniotic fluid and mucous stopper. But at this time it is better to continue to be protected, since the main task of a woman is to preserve the health of her child.

Whether to be protected during pregnancy in the third trimester?

Activity in this period is declining, but intimate relationships are not prohibited. If you have not got rid of the infection, then you need to have sex in a condom. Otherwise, unprotected sex in the last weeks of pregnancy are even useful, since the male sperm contains special enzymes that promote softening of the cervix and its better opening during childbirth.

Very rare cases of superfetation, which implies a second conception during an existing pregnancy. It happens, when during the menstrual cycle a woman ripens more than one egg. This can be confirmed only after delivery, when a test will be conducted comparing the set of chromosomes and metabolism in children. In this case, despite the birth of babies in one day, they will develop differently, and one will always lag behind the other.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that during pregnancy should be protected only in the event of infection.