Physical attraction

"Our whole life is a continuous stream of drives." From this stream, a physical and instinctual attraction is noticeably prominent. In this article we will focus on considering the attraction of the sexes.

Sexual attraction in women

An abnormal increase or underestimation of the need to satisfy basic instincts provoked the genesis of all kinds of impulse disorders. Women's organism is a complete mystery for scientists, since the scheme for achieving orgasm, in the process of sexual intercourse is still unknown.

There are several most common disorders of sexual desire in women:

  1. Decreased desire. Frigidity - decreased sexual desire. In some women, the sex drive may simply be underestimated, and for some, it may be completely absent. In this case, the inferiority of a girl is diagnosed by the lack of orgasmic feelings. In this case, if you have lost an affinity for a partner, then do not immediately tell him that you are frigid, because the nature of this disorder is very different.
  2. Strong attraction. It would seem that against the background of a reduced desire this disorder does not look so menacing, but here, as in the first case, there are minuses.
  3. Disgamy - increased sexual desire. This anomaly leads to the fact that a woman becomes overexcited at the moment of preliminary caresses, and sex loses for her any attraction. In this case, there is also a lack of orgasm - as a logical conclusion of the act of intimacy. This leads to stagnation in the pelvic area, which can be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

A woman in the case of having any sexual disorders it is very important to feel the support of her loved one. If your man will treat this problem with understanding, then together you will be able to overcome it and again enjoy your sex life.