Types of contraception

To date, there are such types of contraception: barrier, chemical and hormonal.

The reliability of contraception means the chance to get pregnant within a year with a specific type of protection. Simply put, if the reliability is 99%, then only 1 girl out of 100 can get pregnant, using this remedy for a year.

Barrier contraception for women

This type of protection is aimed at preventing penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus. These include:

  1. The condom . Has a significant advantage - prevents transmission of infections. The disadvantages include the possibility of tearing at any time. Protects the condom by 98%.
  2. Diaphragms and caps. You can use them several times, for 2 years. There are disadvantages to this option: it does not protect against HIV and various infections. Protects in 85-95% of cases.

Types of hormonal contraception

They are aimed at preventing ovulation. The reliability of such funds is about 97%. You can buy them in completely different forms:

  1. Pills. They must be consumed every day at the same time for 21 days (combined) or during the whole cycle (mini-drank).
  2. Injections. The injection is done no more than 3 times a month. This type of contraception can only be used by women giving birth, who are already 35 years old.

Types of emergency contraception

Their action is aimed at preventing the egg from ripening and adhering to the wall of the uterus. They are used after unprotected sex. They are effective for 5 days after sex, but to be sure of their action, they are recommended to be applied as soon as possible. Use this option to protect better once every six months. Protection works in 97% of cases.

Modern types of contraception

These include mechanical contraceptives that release hormones:

  1. Vaginal ring. The effect of this option is calculated for one cycle. The reliability of the ring is 99%.
  2. Patch. It can be glued to any part of the body and changed weekly. Reliability is 99.4%.
  3. Other options:
  4. Intrauterine spirals. Enter the uterine cavity for 5 years. The disadvantage is the possibility of an intrauterine pregnancy. Protects in 80% of cases.
  5. Sterilization. Implies the obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Reliability is 100%.

The best type of contraception is the one that is picked up by the doctor taking into account all the characteristics of the female body.