Hair allergy

There are a small number of people who can not contact not only with pets and animals, but also with woolen products. Even high-quality blankets, carpets or wardrobe items made from pre-treated and refined yarns provoke unpleasant symptoms.

A true allergy to wool is extremely rare. As a rule, negative reactions of immunity arise on the protein secreted by animals with biological fluids (saliva, urine, sweat, blood).

How is the allergy to wool?

The symptomatology of the type of immune response in question is about the same as for other types of the disease:

In severe cases, anaphylactic shock , asthma or bronchospasm, and angioedema occur.

It is worth noting that if there is an allergy to sheep's wool, then immunity will necessarily react to the proteins of animals belonging to the same species. Therefore, when these signs appear, it is better to replace household items and clothing with less irritating tissues, or products made from wool of other fauna - camel, llama, guanaka, vicuña. The most safe is yarn with alpaca wool.

How to get rid of allergies to wool?

To begin with, it is necessary to exclude any contact with the irritant, to carry out general cleaning in all living quarters, to purchase hypoallergenic blankets and pillows.

If negative reactions arise due to a pet you can not part with, a long and careful treatment of allergy to the coat will be required.

Desensitization is recognized as the most effective technique. It consists in the periodic introduction into the body of small doses of an allergen with the help of subcutaneous injections. The injections are performed according to an individually developed scheme, once every few months for 1-2 years. Thanks to desensitization, the immune system is functioning, the specific antibodies that prevent negative reactions start to be produced.

A quick option to get rid of symptoms, but with a short period of action - tablets from allergies to wool:

In the presence of inflammatory processes and severe signs of the disease, corticosteroid hormones and anti-asthmatic drugs are sometimes prescribed.

The presented method is only symptomatic therapy, it is not possible to completely eliminate the relapse of allergy with its help.