Anaphylactic shock is an emergency

Anaphylactic shock is a deadly condition, the result of which is the rapid release of high activity substances in the body. One of the reasons that provokes the onset of a drug anaphylactic shock is the ingestion of foreign proteins into the body, the repeated administration of a drug substance, that is, an allergen. Anaphylactic shock can occur as a response to any medication administered as injections, ointments, tablets, physiotherapy, etc. Also often the cause of anaphylactic shock are insect bites, sometimes there are cases of its appearance, as the body's reaction to food (chocolate, oranges, mangoes and fish).

Main symptoms

To help with anaphylactic shock was effective, you need to recognize this ailment in time. Its first symptoms are:

If there is a slightest suspicion of anaphylactic shock, emergency care must be provided before the arrival of the medical team. Before the doctor arrives, you must at all costs try to prevent the penetration of the allergen into the human body.

First aid for anaphylactic shock

To avoid various complications, first aid for anaphylactic shock should have such an algorithm:

  1. The patient must be laid on the floor or other horizontal surface.
  2. Head gently to the side.
  3. Prevent the tongue from falling into the throat - fix the lower jaw in one position.
  4. If a person wears dentures, do everything possible to remove them.
  5. Ensure a sufficient flow of blood to the feet of the patient, this is suitable for a hot-water bottle or a bottle filled with warm water.
  6. If the reaction is due to the ingested medication, then you need to apply a tourniquet slightly above the injected prick, in the absence of a tourniquet, pull the veins and arteries with the help of improvised means.

Anaphylactic shock

Further, medical assistance for anaphylactic shock is performed by the health worker in full. To do this, in the shortest time, adrenaline is administered 0.1%, less often a solution of epinephrine 0.18%, with any method of injection being possible, but intravenous is preferable. First, 0.3-0.5 ml is administered, then, if necessary, the dosage can be increased to 1-1.5 ml. Immediately after epinephrine, glucocorticoids are administered, their dosage is greater than that usually used to treat arthritis. Also, antihistamines should be introduced, it is important to pay attention to whether there is a pulmonary edema or bronchospasm, if there is, then inject a solution of aufillin.

After all procedures, the patient should be hospitalized and under medical supervision for about a day. All patients with anaphylactic shock are prescribed antihistamine drugs.

Remember that such an attack can happen to anyone, so your home medicine cabinet should be ready to "meet" anaphylactic shock. Drugs are needed in the form of injections, because the patient's condition does not allow him to swallow tablets. The composition of the first aid kit for anaphylactic shock is not complicated, it is: adrenaline, suprastin, pipolfen, prednisolone, euphyllin. In addition, there should be a solution of Korglikona, as well as mezaton.

As preventive measures, special attention should be paid to the allergic reaction caused by drugs, products or insects, and to try to exclude these allergens in the future.