How to bring down the temperature 39?

Elevated temperature is an important sign of health problems. Most often it rises for colds. But in some cases, high fever can signal an inflammatory process developing in the body. In any case, this problem is very unpleasant. How to deal with it and whether it is necessary to do it at all, we will tell in the article.

Should I bring the temperature down to 39 ° C?

The temperature does not just appear. It signals that the body has detected an infection or inflammation and started to fight. At an elevated temperature, a special substance begins to be produced in the body - an interferon protein. This substance is fighting with microorganisms that cause inflammation. The higher the temperature, the more protein the body produces.

If you interfere with the natural struggle of the body with a virus that manifests a temperature of up to 39 ° C, and take a febrifuge, interferon will not be produced. Simply put, the body will lower its hands, and fight the disease will have its own forces. Do not forget about it when you face the problem, whether to knock down the temperature below 39 ° C or not.

There are only a few conditions under which antipyretic appoint any specialist:

  1. If a person has concomitant diseases that can not withstand high temperatures.
  2. When the patient is too badly tolerated by fever.
  3. In the event that the temperature is gradually adjusted to 39 ° C.

How can you bring down the temperature of 39 ° C?

There are a lot of ways to get rid of the heat. But not all of them are ideal. More precisely, if a particular method has helped one patient, this does not mean that it will be effective for another patient. After several experiments and consultations with your doctor, you will be able to determine which means most effectively knock down the temperature of 39 ° C and above and help you.

Of course, the first way to save from the heat that comes to mind is antipyretic medicines. The choice of tablets, powders and syrups that relieve fever is very great. The most popular and effective tools are as follows:

  1. Simple but effective aspirin. It does not help every body, but some people feel relief, even after taking this medication once.
  2. Everyone knows how quickly to knock down the temperature of 39.9 ° C with paracetamol. This tool is suitable for adults and children, quickly relieves fever and improves well-being. Paracetamol is often combined with aspirin.

The following medicinal teas contain in their composition antipyretic components:

The huge advantage of such drugs is that they have a complex effect for colds:

How to bring down the temperature above 39 ° C to an adult by folk methods?

If you are not a supporter of drug treatment, then you can try people's methods of salvation from the heat.

The most famous method is compresses. For this procedure, it is recommended to use mint broth, but if it is difficult to prepare it, you can take ordinary boiled water. Apply compresses on the forehead, temples and wrists, changing every ten minutes.

Help to lower the temperature of abundant drink and citrus. Fit ordinary water and hot drinks. The latter will contribute to the release of sweat, which will help remove heat. In this case, the patient must always comply with bed rest.

It is necessary to know and how to bring down the temperature of 39 ° C with the help of wiping with vinegar:

  1. Mix the vinegar with water.
  2. Wet the tampon in the resulting solution and wipe the temples, neck, palms, feet of the patient.