Cold coffee

It is hard for coffee lovers to imagine how to live a day without this invigorating drink. And if the window is summer, the sea, the beach? Or, what is even more sad, summer passes in a megacity, where the heat melts the asphalt, then to a cup of hot coffee here? But from any position there is always a way out! Cold coffee - a recipe that will give you freshness and vivacity. Cold coffee so caught on with us that lovers prepare and drink this drink even in winter.

Now we will tell you how to make cold coffee the most delicious. The most popular recipe for cold coffee is:

Cold coffee "Frappe"

This drink was born quite by accident. Just one person thought of shaking a mixture of instant coffee, sugar and water in a shaker.



We start with the preparation of a double Espresso from this quantity of coffee and water. The water temperature should not exceed 90 degrees.

Mix ice milk with hot coffee, add ice cubes, any flavor additive (you can not just one) and beat with a blender until the cubes turn into a crumb. Ready beverage is poured into a glass. We drink necessarily through a straw. Cold coffee with ice cream is the most popular type of coffee preparation "Frappe" .

Do you want to learn how to make a delicious coffee cocktail? Then specially for you a cocktail "Latte Ice", the recipe of which will be to your liking, to almost all fans of cold coffee.



Preparation, like last time, begins with the preparation of Espresso coffee. The water temperature is 90 degrees. Mix ice, milk, syrup. We pour into the mixture a cooled "Espresso" and shake until the ice dissolves completely.

Cold coffee "Latte" can be prepared in layers. At the bottom of the glass put crushed ice, then cold milk, then vanilla, coffee or fruit syrup. In the end, carefully pour cold Espresso.