Breast massage at feeding

Breast massage is a pleasant and useful procedure. You can do it yourself already in the first days after birth, without waiting for the unpleasant consequences of active milk arrival. Do not do without massage and in cases requiring correction of lactation, as well as when lactostasis appears. Today we will tell you in detail how to properly do breast massage while breastfeeding (HS) and what benefit it can bring.

Indications for mammary massage

The benefit of this procedure can not be underestimated. Massage helps to relax and strengthen the muscles of the breast, increase secretion, improve the contraction of muscle fibers of the milk duct and blood circulation. It was noted that women who mastered the technique of performing massage and took the rule to regularly perform this procedure:

You need to do breast massage before feeding or decanting, in this case the procedure will promote better milk allocation. Especially shown breast massage and the stagnation of milk, which occurs as a result of violation of the rules of feeding. In such situations, the procedure is of a curative nature and should be performed until the symptoms disappear completely.

It should be noted that the contraindication to the massage is inflammatory processes in the chest, mastitis, malignant and infectious processes.

Technique of performing breast massage while breastfeeding

Given the widest range of beneficial effects of massage, mastering the technique of performing the procedure is required by every mother. Moreover, the algorithm for conducting it is extremely simple:

  1. The palm is located just below the clavicle.
  2. Then moves from the periphery to the nipple, while performing circular stroking movements.
  3. One mammary gland is massaged no more than 3-5 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, the breasts are washed with warm water.

Such a breast massage during feeding will be effective, in those cases when a young mother experiences pain in the process or feels that the crumb does not fully empty the breast.

There is, and so-called therapeutic massage, which is most often performed with lactostasis:

  1. First, stroking circular motions in a spiral.
  2. Then, radial movements are made from the base to the nipple over the entire surface of the breast.
  3. After this, easy manipulations with the nipple are performed.
  4. At the end, the woman bends over and tries to shake the mammary glands, then takes a warm, relaxing shower.