5 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

A woman, as a rule, learns about her pregnancy at 2-3 weeks, when she does not have menstruation. Confirm or deny suspicions about the ensuing pregnancy, you can use a special test that is sensitive to an increase in human chorionic gonadotropin in urine (hCG in the blood can be determined only in specialized clinical diagnostic laboratories). At the 5th week of pregnancy, the embryo has already moved to the uterine cavity, its cells continue to actively share and differentiate. Let's talk about the features of the course of pregnancy in 5 weeks, as well as the development and size of the fetus.

5 weeks gestation - development and size of the fetus

At the fifth week of pregnancy, the fetus is similar to an oblong cylinder. The size of the fetus at the 5th week of pregnancy is normally 1.5-2.5 mm. The cells are divided into not already chaotic start to vary the head and foot ends, the place of formation of hands and feet (determined by the beginnings of the upper and lower limbs), belly and back. An important event in fetal development in 5 weeks is the onset of the formation of the heart and large blood vessels along with respiratory organs (lungs and trachea). By the end of the fifth week the first cuts of the heart are marked.

At the fetus in 4-5 weeks there is an active formation of the neural tube, from which the spine and spinal cord will subsequently form. The cranial end of the neural tube gradually thickens and gives rise to the formation of the brain. In the course of the neural tube, so-called somites are formed, which are the rudiments of muscle tissue. At the 5th week of embryo development, rudiments of the liver and pancreas are formed.

The embryo at the 5th week of development is in a yolk sac, the size of which is 1 cm, and the size of the fetus is no more than 2.5 mm. The yolk sac is 2 protective layers, between which is the production of nutrients and red blood cells for the embryo that forms.

Fetal ultrasound at week 5

Ultrasound is the most accurate and modern technique, allowing you to see the development of the fetus in 5-6 weeks. In this term, ultrasound is performed only in cases when the doctor is alerting something, it is not a screening.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, ultrasound can:

Feelings of a woman at the 5th week of pregnancy

5 weeks pregnant woman can start to feel the first symptoms of toxicity : nausea, vomiting, appetite deterioration or change in eating habits (may want salty or sweet), drowsiness, irritability, weakness (most often associated with decreased blood pressure). The figure of the future mother has not changed yet, she still fits in her favorite clothes. At the 5th week of pregnancy the uterus starts to increase and acquires the shape of a ball. The size of the uterus at 5 weeks slightly increased, but the woman still does not feel it.

Changes in the body of a woman, possible manifestations of toxicosis are associated with a change in the hormonal background - increased production of progesterone by the yellow body of pregnancy. 5 weeks of pregnancy is one of the most critical periods when the woman is necessary to protect itself from harmful factors (viral infection, tobacco smoke, and alcohol), since they may interfere with the formation of fetal organs and systems.