Terzhinan during pregnancy - 3 trimester

Often during pregnancy, a woman faces various violations of the vaginal microflora. The reasons for this are many, ranging from changing the environment, ending with a violation of the rules of intimate hygiene. In such cases, as a rule, a woman is prescribed vaginal suppositories. In order to exclude the possibility of infection of the fetus during the passage through the birth canal, shortly before the PDR , preventive treatment is provided. Consider a drug such as Terginan, administered during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, and we'll figure out how to use it correctly.

What is Terginan?

With the advent of pharmaceuticals on the market, the situation with the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as vaginitis and colpitis has improved significantly. Given the wide orientation of the components of Terzhinan, it has an excellent antimicrobial, antimycotic action, i.e. Effective against pathogenic microorganisms and fungi. This is achieved due to the presence of such components as neomycin sulfate, nystatin. Contained prednisolone has an anti-inflammatory effect, which leads to the disappearance of such symptoms as itching, burning, soreness.

How is Terjinan used during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester?

As a rule, the drug is prescribed after examination by a gynecologist, which is usually performed at the 32nd week of gestation. In this case, the woman is given an antenatal checkup for the presence of pathogenic microflora in the vagina. When this is found, they begin therapy.

In most cases, the entire course of treatment can take up to 3 weeks. For 10-14 days a woman uses medicines aimed at cleaning the reproductive system. Assign usually 1 vaginal tablet Terginan, injected overnight. The course of treatment is 10 days.

After the termination use restorative preparations that lead a microflora of a vagina in norm, - Bifidumbacterin, Vaginorm C, Lactobacterin, etc.