Attempt # 2: the author of the memorial bust Cristiano Ronaldo created a new sculpture of the football player

You probably remember a funny story with a bust of football player Ronaldo, who was supposed to decorate the airport of his native island of Madeira. March 29 last year, the long-awaited opening of the monument took place, but the creation of the local sculptor Manuel Santosh caused unexpected emotions from fans of the football player.

The bust turned out to be extremely strange, in the network it was called "vile", "terrible" and "extraordinarily funny". In a matter of hours, the strange expression of a football player's face, fixed in bronze, played a cruel joke with him, and the monument became a meme, which was remembered for a long time by both sports fans and witty journalists.

Senor Santosh was very worried about his failure and for a long time withdrew into himself. He remembers that for a while he did not want to communicate with anyone, he was depressed.

Of course, this situation could have been broken by anyone, but the artist undertook to correct his mistakes and exactly one year later he presented to the public the "updated" Ronaldo.

I'm an artist, I see it!

Presentation of the second version of the bust of the Portuguese player took place day in day - March 29, 2018. According to the sculptor, he took into account his shortcomings and made the athlete's face more calm, depriving him of emotions.

At the request of Ronaldo, the artist removed the excess wrinkles to "rejuvenate" the 33-year-old striker of the team, "Real Madrid". Judging by the fresh photographs of the sculpture, the network wits and humorists will no longer be able to make Ronaldo a hero of memes and fotozhab. In one of the interviews the sculptor told that he likes the first bust as well. He is proud of his brainchild, because he believes that art is not an exact science, but a way of expressing emotions.

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He said that Ronaldo does not have a "corporate smile". When an athlete is happy - his face lights up a spontaneous smile, it was her Manuel Santosh and tried to "grab", working on the first unsuccessful bust.