Feelings and emotions - the difference

Feelings and emotions are very close concepts, so they are often confused. However, the processes of their formation are different, and it often happens that a person feels one, and his emotions speak of another. What is the difference between feelings and emotions - in this article.

Comparative characteristics of emotions and feelings

Analyzing those and others, you can see that:

  1. Emotions depend on the situation, and feelings are more permanent. You can love the heart with all your heart like the time of year, but be annoyed when bad weather spoils all plans. That is, there is an emotional reaction to any particular situation.
  2. The difference is manifested in the essence, flow, speed and duration of processes. Emotions are short-lived and pass quickly, feelings are much more permanent, although they can also change. It can even be traced by the expression of a person's face: the difference of emotions from feelings consists in the fact that the former change their facial expressions for a short period of time, for example, when a person experiences fear at the sight of an evil dog. If his face returns slowly to the starting position or does not return at all, it can be assumed that he does not like these animals at all and will long recover from the meeting with this evil representative.
  3. Emotions are small particles of feelings, like water splashes from a common stream. Feelings are the basis of flaring emotions .

The difference between feelings and emotions

Emotions - they always lie on the surface, and feelings are hidden deep down. Of course, unless a person deliberately hides them. For example, he may be irritated because his beloved girl did not call him, but do not show it. The meaning of a particular emotion is determined by the feeling that causes it. But it often happens that emotions lead a person and distort his perception of others. For example, in moments of danger or severe grief a person laughs, that is, in the opinion of other people, behaves inadequately.

Sometimes a person does not realize what motivates his emotions. The heart experiences one senses, the face expresses completely different emotions, the tone of the voice may have a third color, and the meaning of the words is the fourth. They say that on the face of an elderly person you can "read" his whole life. The pursed lips and lowered corners indicate that the person's life was not sugar, but there are faces that seem to have not touched time and they exude joy and light. Differences between emotions and feelings consist in the fact that the former are the manifestation of the latter, and the feelings themselves are the result of the perception of the world.