Chinese rose - reproduction

The flower of hibiscus , better known as the Chinese rose, is bred both at home and in the garden. Thanks to its beautiful colors of red, cream or white color, it is becoming more popular in interior design.

To use a Chinese rose as a houseplant, you should know that its reproduction is propagated by cuttings, and with proper care, the shoot gets well after the shoot.

Rules of reproduction of the Chinese rose by cuttings

  1. The most suitable time for carrying out the cuttings of the Chinese rose is February, March and August, but if desired, you can spend it in any other month.
  2. Cuttings are cut for reproduction from a young growth, cut off their top with two or three internodes. It is desirable to lower the slices in a drug that stimulates growth.
  3. Rooting should be carried out in a small greenhouse with soil soil heated to + 22-25 ° C (mixing peat and sand). If there is no way to create such conditions, then you can put in a small pot with a light loose substrate and cover with a plastic bottle.
  4. Roots are formed about a month later. After their appearance, the flower is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 7-9 cm, which should be placed on a sunny spot. In the future, the new plant will need watering with warm water and pinching small shoots, this is necessary to form a beautiful form of a new bush of the Chinese rose.
  5. In spring, it should be transplanted into a pot with nutrient soil and cut off all the branches by a third. This will promote the formation of branches, on which the flowers will later appear.

Knowing the main features of reproduction and further care for the Chinese rose (hibiscus), you will be able to please this beautiful flower of all comers.