Caloric content of pickled mushrooms

Today, many underestimate the nutritional uniqueness of fungi and rarely eat them. And yet this product is one of the most ancient known to man, because even our distant ancestors collected mushrooms, dried, salt, fed them with hungry winters and in bad harvests. They knew for sure that this is a nourishing dish, a source of valuable proteins, a natural absorbent and a very natural tasty seasoning. And till now, even for avid gourmets, pickled mushrooms remain the favorite snack, besides, they contain few calories, but they deliver unearthly pleasure to their original and unique, perfectly combined with meat, vegetables, and porridge. The caloric content of marinated mushrooms is so insignificant that they should not be feared even by those who are too zealously watching their figure. But to take a great interest in this dish also does not follow, as it is long enough digested and can cause unpleasant sensations in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal system.

How many calories are in pickled mushrooms?

This product and freshly does not have a high energy value, so the caloric content of pickled mushrooms depends mainly on the characteristics of the recipe, according to which they were prepared. Different varieties of fungi have little effect on this indicator, since the content of fats and carbohydrate compounds, the main sources of kcal, is almost the same. So, oyster mushrooms , mushrooms , and honey agarics, and white marinated mushrooms will have a caloric content, almost the same - 24 kcal per hundred grams of the product. This figure can vary if in the pickle, according to the recipe, add more sugar or butter. But still, it will not change in the direction of a significant increase, a maximum of a dish will add a dozen or two calories, which in no way will make the product too caloric and harmful.