Selenium for the woman's organism

The human body, on average, contains about 10-14 mg of selenium, which is concentrated in various internal organs. The daily norm of selenium for women is 70-100 mg, but even in spite of such a minimum, a huge number of people experience a deficiency of this trace element, and this leads to serious health problems. The best selenium is absorbed in the body if it is combined with vitamin E.

Why do you need selenium in the body of a woman?

Although the body contains a small amount of this trace element, its role is very great. What is the use of selenium for a woman's body:

  1. Positively affects the work of the nervous system, contributes to the normalization of the emotional and psychological state, which is useful for frequent stresses.
  2. Favorably affects the condition of the hair and skin, which is very important for the fair sex. If there is a shortage of selenium in the body of a woman, then her curls stop growing, and dandruff also appears.
  3. A trace element is needed to support the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  4. Promotes strengthening of protective functions of an organism that allows to struggle with viruses and infections more effectively.
  5. The microelement is an antioxidant that fights free radicals, which means that aging processes are slowed down, and skin elasticity is maintained.
  6. It has antioxidant abilities, which reduces the risk of pathological changes in the cells. Selenium protects DNA and promotes the synthesis of healthy cells.
  7. The benefit of selenium for women also lies in the fact that it improves the metabolism and resists deposition of fatty deposits.
  8. It is necessary for a pregnant woman, because it protects the woman's body, and also promotes the proper development of the fetus, and also reduces the risk of miscarriage and the development of pathologies in the fetus.
  9. It is important for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and, with its lack, increases the risk of developing heart disease. Scientists have proved that with a regular intake of a microelement into the body by 70%, the risk of their occurrence decreases.
  10. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, the microelement helps to cope with inflammatory processes, and it reduces the risk of diseases such as arthritis and colitis.
  11. An important property of the microelement is that it suppresses the negative effect of mold and prevents its reproduction.
  12. Has the ability to restore liver and pancreas cells.

For a woman's body selenium has only one contraindication, which is associated with the intake of this trace element in large quantities. Excess is manifested by the intake of inorganic forms found in medical preparations. In this case, selenium is toxic to the body.

Lack of selenium occurs, if the daily norm is 5 mg. In this case, a person feels constant fatigue and weakness, and also his vision decreases. Even on the skin there is irritation and pain in the muscles. In addition, there is an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood.

In conclusion, I would like to say about the products containing selenium. It is important to include them in your diet in order to get the necessary daily allowance. Rich in this trace element are fish and seafood , cereals, offal, mushrooms, seeds, garlic and almonds. It is worth noting that these products are best eaten as much as possible, since the amount of useful substance is significantly reduced after heat treatment.