Age crises

The onset of another round date at the age of each person can "give" him a roommate who is not very happy, and he calls the age crisis . Moreover, throughout the course of their life there can be several.

Age crisis of personality

The main characteristic of any crisis of this kind is psychological changes. The main reasons that you experience them are the changes in social situations that you are accustomed to daily encounter. In addition, it arises when you, albeit unconsciously, review the existing social roles (the emergence of additional responsibilities, the change of marital status, the new social status, etc.)

Often, the root cause of the emergence of age-related crises in a person's life is cognitive dissonance (what you desire can not be achieved as a result of the lack of the necessary opportunities for this).

The most surprising is that if a woman engages in what is typical of men (business, political affairs), the course of age crises will have much in common with men's. By the way, for the latter are characteristic:

Age crises in women

  1. At 20, or maybe a couple of years earlier, you face a crisis that has a direct connection with the transition of a person into adulthood. As a result of this, in a moment a number of difficulties are being put on him: the search for a job separate from the parents of housing is not excluded and the search for a potential husband. It is worth noting that the positive in this life period is that the crisis is tolerated gently, because the young soul is full of dreams, illusions, and sometimes of youthful maximalism.
  2. The crisis of 30 years in women is characterized by the fact that the first results are summarized. Like 10 years ago, it does not always seem to you that you will succeed, the whole life is ahead, etc. However strange it may sound, but regardless of whether you live your dream life or not, you will be unhappy with the results.
  3. 40 years is a crisis of middle age, sometimes bringing frequent depressive conditions. Unlike men, the fair sex is more painful for him, as a result of which relationships with close people suffer. The main problem for women is appearance. Moreover, if before these years the woman gave all her strength to build a career, by the age of 40, few people manage to boast of a happy, full-fledged family.
  4. At the age of 50, many achieve emotional stability, but suffer from thoughts of approaching old age. Psychologists advise in this case to occupy themselves with as many different cases as possible. Moreover, if by this time you were not lucky in your personal life, you should not put a cross on it.

Age crises in men

  1. The crisis of 21-23 years is connected with life goals, which are not always comparable with the available opportunities. In addition, the young man seeks to prove to himself and others that he is a self-sufficient person.
  2. 28-30 years - the period of transition to the mature stage of life. The man realizes that everything he dreamed about 10 years ago is unlikely to succeed. It is not ruled out that he is looking for sexual gratification on the side in order to bring diversity to everyday life.
  3. 38-40 years bring into the male consciousness a terrible thought about the approaching old age. A man wants to always be busy with his favorite things. Also there are hormonal failures that are associated with testosterone. This can cause problems in the intimate life of his family. In this period, men, more than ever, need the advice of those who love their wives.