Psychological portrait of personality

There is such an interesting science as psychodiagnostics. Its practitioners are engaged in theoretical and practical statement of the psychological diagnosis. The purpose of psychodiagnostics is to determine the presence and severity of a person's psychological qualities. Based on the collection of information about the features of the human psyche, the so-called psychological portrait of the individual is compiled. What is it and what is it for? We read further.

Who are you?

The socio-psychological portrait of personality reflects the character and temperament of a person. A similar way to learn about it more reveals the following:

Who needs it?

Drawing up a psychological portrait of an individual is relevant for managers of enterprises with a large staff of employees. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the organization's activities at a high level, it is important to conduct a competent personnel policy. The human resources department attracts specialists who make psychological portraits of employees, which further facilitates the placement of personnel. Psychological compatibility in the team is very important and should not be underestimated.

So, for example, having an idea of ​​how a psychological portrait of a conflict person looks, the employer can protect himself and his organization from "complex" workers. The character traits of a conflict person and the features of his behavior are manifested in the following:

How an experienced psychologist will tell you how to write a psychological portrait of a person. One of the methods is psychological interview. This method is based on a conversation, involves a variety of psychological tests and even analysis of the person's handwriting. By the way, by looking at your own handwriting or the handwriting of the person you are interested in, you can draw some conclusions for yourself. Smooth, handsome handwriting says that its owner is a pedantic person, fixated on small things. Such people are very executive, but unable to act decisively or play "big".

The letter "p" can tell how much a person shows his aggressive qualities. If the letter "p" is pre-compressed, with a short tail, this indicates that a person tries to resolve disputes peacefully.

Nonverbal communication (gestures, facial expressions, manner of explanation) are able to tell about a person much more than words. Having studied all the subtleties of non-verbal communication, you can easily learn to make up a psychological portrait of a person.