Psoriasis in children

Psoriasis in children, it happens quite often, especially in the preschool years and in the lower grades. Currently, psoriasis occurs even in newborns and infants. This is a chronic disease that is not of an infectious nature and is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory foci on the skin. Such processes on the skin proceed in the form of red dots, spots or vesicles, depending on the form of psoriasis. With the development of the disease, the spots formed increase and begin to peel off. The disease occurs as a result of the reaction of the nervous system to the negative supply of signals from the external environment. In response to these signals, the nervous system produces special proteins that penetrate the skin cells and cause abnormal changes in it.

Symptoms of psoriasis in children

The main sign of the appearance of psoriasis in children, as mentioned above, is the appearance of a rash or red spots. Places of lesions are most often the elbows, knees and skin of the head. Subsequently, they are covered with scaly crusts that have the property of cracking, thus causing minor bleeding. All this is accompanied by painful sensations and itching. The appearance of psoriasis on the head of a child is easy to distinguish from dandruff or another type of dermatitis, as when the scalp is damaged by psoriasis, exfoliating scales are dry, and in other cases, sebaceous. With the diagnosis, as a rule, there are no difficulties, because the symptoms of this disease are clearly expressed.

Causes of psoriasis in children, can serve as a variety of factors: from genetic predisposition, to the body's response to climate change. Catarrhal diseases, such as flu, tonsillitis, respiratory diseases, play a significant role in provoking the onset of the disease. There are also cases of psoriasis from stress, skin damage, hormonal imbalance in the body and as a result of side effects from the use of medications.

Treatment of psoriasis in children

How to treat psoriasis in children? It is better to begin therapy from the very beginning, with the appearance of the first symptoms. The most important thing in treatment is to follow all the doctor's recommendations, skin care. The method of treatment is appointed by the doctor depending on the form and stage of psoriasis. Also, the age of the child, the symptoms and possible contraindications affect the choice of the method. At a progressive stage, the ideal option will be hospitalization of the child. In this case, usually a solution of calcium gluconate or a solution of calcium chloride is prescribed. Just prescribed various vitamins, for example: ascorbic acid, pyridoxine and vitamin B12. If the child is very worried about the itching and it does not allow him to fall asleep, it is recommended to take small doses of sleeping pills. External treatment of psoriasis can be carried out with the help of such ointments as sulfur-tar, glucocorticoid and salicylic. Doctors in most cases adhere to the combined treatment and avoid strong medicines, as with prolonged use, they can have a toxic effect on the body.

Most patients with psoriasis, get used to and do not pay much attention to the presence of the disease, lead at the same time a normal way of life. And someone is very worried about their appearance, which causes a depressive state and a lack of consistency. For some children this can cause psychological trauma.

Prophylaxis of psoriasis does not exist yet, therefore it is impossible to prevent the disease. However, you can avoid its reappearance or ease the flow. To do this, it is sufficient to maintain normal humidity in the apartment, avoid hypothermia and prevent skin trauma. Be healthy!