Herpetic angina in children - treatment

The treatment of herpetic tonsillitis in children, like all sporadic diseases, takes a long time. There is this pathology, mainly in pre-school children 3-5 years. The most severely tolerated by children, whose age does not exceed 3 years. In the first months of life, the disease is almost not found, tk. the child receives antibodies from the mother along with breast milk.

The causes of herpetic sore throat

This disease refers to viral infections caused by enteroviruses. The primary transmission mechanism is airborne. In rare cases, the infection can be transmitted by the fecal-oral and contact routes. The main source of the disease is the virus carrier.

How to determine herpetic sore throat yourself?

The incubation period for herpetic angina in children is 7-14 days, i.е. symptoms at this time are not observed. It all begins with the flu-like syndrome, which is characterized by a decrease in the child's activity, the appearance of malaise, weakness, apathy. After a short time, the temperature is added, which reaches 39-40 degrees. Together with these symptoms, there is pain in the throat, salivation increases, the child becomes painful to swallow.

Approximately on the second day amid the hyperemic mucous membrane of the tonsils, small papules appear, which quickly turn into vesicles up to 5 mm in diameter. They are filled with serous contents. Two days after their opening, whitish-gray ulcers are formed, surrounded on the perimeter by a hyperemic corolla. Educated erosions are painful, so children almost always refuse to eat. In children, whose immunity is weakened, the rashes can appear wave-like again and are accompanied by the appearance of fever.

In most cases, fever disappears for 3-5 days, and epithelialization of affected areas in the oral cavity takes 5-7 days.

Treatment of herpetic sore throat

To treat viral herpes sore throat should be started immediately after diagnosis. Complex therapy of this disease includes isolation of sick children, general and local treatment. The child should be given more drink, and the food he receives must be liquid or semi-liquid, which will reduce the degree of irritation of the affected mucosa.

In the treatment of herpetic tonsillitis, hyposensitizing drugs are prescribed, for example Claritin, Diazolin.

For symptomatic treatment, when fever is used antipyretic drugs, which include Ibuprofen and Nimesulid.

To prevent stratification of secondary bacterial infection, administration of oral antiseptics is prescribed, with the help of which it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity. For these purposes, usually use a solution of furatsilina, which rinse the nasopharynx every hour. Decoctions from such herbs as calendula, eucalyptus, sage can also be used.

With this disease, it is strictly forbidden to give children inhalation, and also put compresses, tk. heat helps improve blood circulation, which eventually leads to the spread of the virus through the body.

To stimulate the epithelization of the affected oral mucosa, physiotherapy procedures are performed, an example of which may be UFO.

How to prevent the appearance of herpetic sore throat?

Prevention of this disease is reduced to the timely detection of the carrier of the virus and its treatment. Therefore it is very important even before treating a herpetic sore throat in a child, to establish its source.