How to get rid of wasps in the country?

Wasps in the country are a frequent occurrence. These predatory insects interfere with a quiet pastime, flock to the sweet, scare the children with their loud buzz. But even worse, if the wasp swarm selected your dacha as your own home. This neighborhood is dangerous enough, because the bite of a wasp can cause serious damage to health. Therefore, many summer residents are interested in the question of how to get rid of wasps on the site. To do this, there are many ways - let's talk about them.

How to get rid of wasps forever?

The most important thing is to find an aspen nest. Keep in mind that there can be several. Insects usually nest in secluded corners: on the roof or in the attic, in the restrooms, in the dressing rooms, etc. So, how do you get rid of wasps that have settled under your roof or in another inaccessible place?

Very important here is the equipment. As, as already mentioned above, the bites of wasps are very dangerous, then it is necessary to fight against them, protecting yourself as much as possible. First, you should not have allergies to bites. Otherwise, it is better to turn to the help of professionals. Secondly, to begin the active stage of destroying the nest should be, using such protective equipment as dense clothing with a hood, thick rubber gloves, mosquito net for the face.

So, the most effective ways to get rid of dangerous insects are:

  1. Among the drugs against wasps are "Intavir", "Mosquitol - protection against wasps", "Actellik", "Troopsil", as well as aerosols "Combat" and "Reid". Equally popular is dichlorvos. In this case, simply spraying the insecticide on the hornet's nest is not always a guarantee of complete destruction of its inhabitants. As a rule, only those wasps that have been poisoned will die. And to make the attack more effective, you must first isolate the nest with all its inhabitants (wrapped in a plastic bag), and then spray the drug.
  2. You can leave a sweet "treat" near the nest, in which an insecticide was previously added. As such bait can serve as a beer, an aqueous solution of honey or jam. It is desirable that it is a sticky substance. This method, of course, will not save you from the entire "number of bees", but will significantly reduce their number.
  3. Kerosene is a powerful weapon against wasps, which build "paper" nests. This substance (by the way, instead of kerosene, you can use gasoline, diesel fuel and even WD-40) permeates an aspen house, and harmful insects simply fly away, leaving it forever. You will only have to remove and destroy the nest, and the nesting place - clean and treat with potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide .
  4. To get rid of wasps at the dacha it is possible and folk remedies - as a rule, they are no less effective than chemical preparations. So, most often the wasp nest is burned or heated in water, carefully removing it and tying it into a tight canvas bag.
  5. Earth's wasps can be defeated with boiling water, pouring a nest with a lot of boiling water. A more exotic way is to use a fire extinguisher and a vacuum cleaner.

To proceed to the destruction of the aspen nest should be in the early morning, at dawn. At this time, insects are still inactive. In addition, it is important that they are all in the nest, otherwise you it will not be possible to destroy all at once, and the returned wasps will rush about searching for the missing house, which is quite dangerous for those around them.

When the wasps are in danger, they become very aggressive and will try to sting you. Therefore, even if you plan to immediately isolate all insects in their nest, you need to think in advance of the path of retreat to a safe place. Approach the aspen nest after the attack on it is desirable not earlier than in a few hours, when the poison will act and the insects will perish, fly away or at least calm down. After you have "cleared" your territory, inspect it for poisoned insects. You can not be found by pets or children - dead wasps, like a nest, must be destroyed (burned).