Patties fried in a frying pan

The preparation of tasty pies is a process that is quite lengthy, if only because a good yeast dough should be ready, and this usually takes at least an hour. You can save time by preparing pies not in the oven and deep-frying or a simple frying pan / brazier with an abundance of oil. This is what we will do in this material, dedicated to pies with various fillings fried in a frying pan.

Patties of yeast dough, fried in a frying pan


For the test:

For filling:


For this test recipe, it is most convenient to have a stationary food processor handy with a special hook for kneading the dough, but if it is not available, a simple wooden spoon in the bowl company will be used in a deeper manner.

Sweeten the milk with a pinch of sugar and dilute it with instant yeast. While the yeast is activated, whip the melted butter with sour cream and egg. Salt the sour cream and mix it with the yeast solution. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add it to the hydrated soda and start to pour in portions of flour, constantly mixing the dough at low speed. Finish a comb with your hands and leave to come warm in no less than 60 minutes.

The allotted time is more than enough to prepare a filling for pies fried in a frying pan, it is elementary. Prepare the roast from the onion half rings and add it with a chopped clove of garlic. Mix the onions with minced meat and bring the latter to full preparedness, not forgetting to season.

Roll the dough into a tourniquet and divide into portions, each serving flattened between the palms, in the center place the cooled minced meat and pinch the edges. Prepare the patties in the abundance of oil until browned.

Pies on the water fried in a frying pan



Sour warm water with a pinch of sugar and combine it with butter, yeast, flour. The resulting dough, leave to rest until its volume is doubled. After a while, divide the dough into equal pieces, lightly roll out and place the selected filling in the center of the resulting cake, the last can be anything that you like, from fruits and jams to meat and eggs. Cut the edges of the pies and leave them for the second time for the time that the oil will warm up in the frying pan. Fry the patties in portions, not cluttering them with utensils (during the frying the dough will additionally increase), until a pronounced golden hue is reached.

Fast yeast pies fried in a frying pan

The speed and yeast dough are incompatible, it seemed to us until it was possible to stumble upon this recipe. Pies are obtained by the same airy and ruddy, as with the standard cooking technology, but only time should be spent at a minimum. But, unfortunately, even here you have to sacrifice something: the lack of time for proofing leads to the fact that the pies quickly become stale after cooling, and therefore it is not recommended to prepare them in large quantities.



A lump of fresh yeast dilute in sweetened water with butter. Pour the liquid into the flour, knead the dough and immediately divide it into portions and roll it out. In the center of each layer, put the filling, pinch the edges and cook the fried patties on kefir in a pan in an abundance of butter.