Why is fresh cabbage useful?

Cabbage and its beneficial properties are known to mankind since ancient times. It is no accident that the Roman emperor Diocletian, who voluntarily retired from state affairs, was proud of the remarkable cabbage grown in his garden.

Useful properties of fresh cabbage

The answer to the question, whether fresh cabbage is useful, is received many centuries ago. Knowing about the wonderful properties of this vegetable, people respectfully called her a lady. What is the use of cabbage - read further.

It contains vitamins and trace elements that do not lose their properties and during storage. That is why, almost to the new harvest, we can get from it a full-fledged vegetable protein, vitamins C and R and a number of other vitamins and minerals.

Potassium, contained in it, helps to remove excess fluid from the body, which has a positive effect on the work of the heart, and organic compounds normalize the metabolism and prevent the onset of atherosclerosis.

Cabbage - "female vegetable"

To understand the usefulness of fresh cabbage for women, it is enough to say that calcium and iron that make up it contribute to blood formation, blood purification and strengthening of bones, which is especially important, as a significant number of women lose their body during critical days and during childbirth. Cabbage actively replenishes losses of iron and calcium, preventing the occurrence of anemia and osteoporosis.

However, during pregnancy it is necessary to reduce the consumption of cabbage a little to avoid bloating.

How useful is a salad of fresh cabbage?

Special love is used by slimming salads, especially fresh cabbage, because it "sweeps" out harmful cholesterol from the body, normalizes the work of the digestive tract, fights against the harmful intestinal flora at the expense of the cellulose that is included in its composition.

The greatest benefit will be brought by a salad dressed with vegetable oil, olive or unrefined sunflower.