The cleanest sea in the world

A few hundred years ago the list entitled "The cleanest seas in the world" could have turned out to be very long and impressive, but humanity is changing this picture for the worse day by day. Accessible tourism and the developing industry make their "dirty business". Technical waste and all kinds of garbage have already become an integral part of most of the seas, but the hope of plunging into the cleanest sea in the world still does not leave many inhabitants of the planet. It remains to find out where is the cleanest sea.

  1. The Weddell Sea . If you turn to the Guinness Book of Records, it is the Weddell Sea that will be represented there as the purest. In 1986, the scientific expedition determined the transparency of this sea with the help of the Secchi disk (a white disk 30 cm in diameter falls to a depth and the maximum depth at which it is still visible from the water surface is noted). Researchers noted that the maximum depth at which the disc was discernible was 79 meters, even so, according to theory, in a distilled water the disc should disappear at a depth of 80 meters! That's just the problem is that for the swim, this crystal clear sea is completely useless - it is washing the shores of West Antarctica. In winter, the water temperature reaches -1.8 ° C and is always covered by drifting ice.
  2. The Dead Sea . If you judge what the cleanest sea is, from what you can plunge into, the Dead Sea, located between Israel and Jordan, will take the first place. This is understandable - since the Dead Sea is the most saline in the world, it is not suitable for life. In the Dead Sea not meet neither fish nor animals, even microorganisms do not live there, and this ensures "sterility". But there is another source of pollution, which can gradually change the current status of the cleanest sea - the ecological situation is aggravated by human waste.
  3. The Red Sea . Many believe that it is the Red Sea that is the most beautiful and clean sea in the world. It is located between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and amazes with its picturesque flora and fauna. The tourists from all over the world have a rest on the Red Sea all year round, because even in the cold season the water temperature does not fall below 20 ° С. The reason for the purity of the Red Sea lies in two factors: firstly, it does not flow into rivers, which are often sources of pollution, bringing sand, mud and debris with them; secondly, the rich flora copes very quickly with pollution and restores the ecosystem.
  4. The Mediterranean Sea . It is also often referred to the category of pure seas, but only with the reservation that it is not all coasts. For example, many Greek beaches are awarded the "blue flag" - a confirmation of a high level of cleanliness. Also clean can boast coast of Crete, Israel and Turkey . In turn, Italy, France and Spain on the contrary brought their coasts to a lamentable state, they do not comply with European environmental norms. The situation did not change even after Spain was fined by the European Union for its violation of environmental standards.
  5. Aegean Sea . With the Aegean Sea the situation is the same as with the Mediterranean - cleanliness directly depends on the coastal country. If the Greek beaches are greeted with eco-friendly waters, Turkish coasts on the contrary show an unpleasant picture. Disposal of waste and sewage from Turkey seriously harms the waters of the Aegean Sea. There are also sometimes tides in the Aegean Sea, which lift up layers of water saturated with phosphorus and nitrogen, which provokes the multiplication of bacteria and temporarily disrupts the purity of sea water.