Benefits of blueberries

Since ancient times, the proverb was preserved: "wherever blueberries grow, doctors are not needed." This small berry has unique healing properties and complex effects on the entire human body. It is important to remember that it does not tolerate heat treatment - neither cooking nor freezing - and you will get maximum vitamins only during the harvest season when it is fresh. From this article you will find out what is useful for the health of blueberries.

What vitamins are found in blueberries?

Blueberries are incredibly rich in nutrients. It contains vitamins A , B6, C, PP, and in fairly large quantities.

Many are interested in what vitamins are in blueberries. But do not forget that in addition to vitamins, there are many other useful substances that will also benefit the body: pectins, organic acids, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and much more.

Thanks to this rich composition, this berry is simply indispensable for those who are often sick, have problems with eyesight or various organs.

The fact is that blueberries have a complex effect on the body and can be used to treat and prevent a variety of diseases.

How to keep vitamins in blueberries?

Blueberries are one of those berries which, until compotes and jams, carry only a small part of their useful properties. A number of useful substances in it are not able to bear even the freezing, which leads to one conclusion: it is best to consume blueberries immediately after the charges, without putting it off. So you get the most benefit.

However, if you collected a lot of berries, you can freeze it - for this, pick the berries, do not wet and do not wash it, and immediately spread it over the portioned containers evenly, trying not to crumble berries. It is advisable to use a powerful freezer for this purpose, in which you can set the temperature -18 degrees and below. This will ensure the highest quality of the product due to fast freezing.

What is the use of blueberries?

Blueberries have a multifaceted positive effect on humans. Let's consider some of its aspects:

Bilberry can be eaten not only for treatment. But also for the prevention of all these diseases. Include this berry in your diet, and you will get health!