Mushrooms - harm and good

Mushrooms - a fairly popular food product, which is used, both in cooking and in medicine. They include a large number of substances necessary for the body. Benefits and harm from fungi have been proved by carrying out numerous scientific experiments. For example, some variants contain more protein than meat, and the amount of carbohydrates is at the level with vegetables.

Mushrooms - harm and benefit to losing weight

The peculiarity of fungi is the fact that they are almost 90% water. Given this, mushrooms have a low calorie content, and are easily absorbed by the body. Minerals that are in them, produce "bad" cholesterol and increase the metabolic rate.

Harm fungi can bring to those who use poisonous species. Therefore, if you are not an expert, it is not recommended to collect them yourself. It should also be taken into account that during thermal treatment a large number of useful substances is destroyed. It is not recommended to abuse mushrooms, as this can adversely affect digestion.

Mushrooms in the diet

To use mushrooms during weight loss is allowed, the main thing is to prepare them properly. It is best to buy options that are presented in supermarkets, because they contain less harmful substances. It is recommended to eat salted, dried or pickled mushrooms. With regard to frozen options, then in this case you will give the dish only a mushroom taste, there is no use for such products. When losing weight, it is better to choose such mushrooms: champignons , chanterelles and hothouse veshenki. To preserve the benefits of not using a lot of salt and fatty sour-milk products, for example, sour cream substitute with natural yogurt. Combine the mushrooms with foods that contain complex carbohydrates. Such an alliance will help to reduce appetite.