Enotera - planting and care

Flower enotera so special that it can not be confused with any other, all his character and all his beauty, he demonstrates at sunset. As soon as the sun begins to set, in a few minutes the bright yellow buds of the evening enter. This spectacle can be safely called a miracle of nature, for a few moments an unattractive bush turns into a glowing one. The whole night the flowers decorate the garden, and the next day they wither and new buds open at sunset. The size of each of them is usually about 7cm.

Many names of the evening primates

The name of the flower of the evening primrose is deciphered by two words of Greek origin "oinos" - wine and "ther" - a wild beast. It used to be said that if a wild animal inhales the aroma of a plant that is sprinkled with wine, from the tincture of the root of the evening primrose, it will necessarily become a home. Another name for the evening primrose is the "oslinnik", most likely because of the similarity of its leaves with donkey ears, "the queen of the night" or "evening primrose" because of its nocturnal lifestyle. The Germans call the evening "night candle".

If you also decided to settle this beauty in your garden, let's figure out how to plant an evening and what conditions to create for her.

Embarkation of the primates

I must say that the enotera, planting and caring for which does not involve complications, is one-year, two-year and many years old. In the choice of soil and the place of the enotera unpretentious, sand and clay territories, the main thing, to exclude an excess of moisture will do. The shadow for evening primrose is also not a hindrance. When planting a perennial plant, you need to consider that it will actively grow. Enotera, whose height can reach 120 cm, needs free space, on average, it will be enough for 1 meter.

Cultivation of the "Queen of the Night"

Optimum for evening primrose growing from seeds. In May, they are sown, in summer only leaves grow, and next year you can admire the flowering shrub from June to September. However, the flowers can be seen in the same year, for this seeds are sown in February-March in the room, and then the seedlings are planted on the site. Also allows the exotera to grow by dividing the bush.

Care of the plant

For any gardener this plant is a real gift, as the enotera involves growing and leaving with a minimum of effort. It is sufficiently resistant to drought, so it does not need regular watering. Only in the flowering period, timely water make-up will affect the size of the flowers. Also, the equator is well tolerated by the low temperatures of the winter period. That's what, really, you need to look after, so it's behind the root system. In some varieties, it is very aggressive and overgrown, interfering with other plants on the site, so it must be limited and taken into account when creating flowerbeds . Still it is necessary to remember, that an enotera, the reproduction of which can easily be carried out by self-sowing, is capable of spreading throughout the garden. If it is important for you to prevent this, tear off the wilted buds in time.

Application of an Autumn

Interestingly, for the Indians, the evening primrose served as food. Edible and leaves, and flowers, and the roots of primrose. A special benefit is the root of the plant, as it is rich in minerals and starch.

Widespread use of the enotera was received in folk medicine for its anti-inflammatory and toning properties. Modern cosmetology also appreciates the evening, using in the production of various means for skin oil from seeds and extract from the leaves of evening primrose. The seed oil has a qualitative effect on the metabolism and regeneration of the skin. Also, primrose oil is recommended for nail care.

So amazing in nature can combine beautiful and useful!