How much should you have sex?

The theme of sex has always been, and probably will always be, the most discussed, and there is nothing strange about it - the process is very painful. It is not clear only the desire of people (especially these ladies are different) all put on the shelves and set the standards for each sigh during a sexual game. One of the most ridiculous questions is: "How long does it take to have sex with a man and a woman"? And the strangeness of this issue is that it is impossible to fit individual characteristics of a person to any standard, since to view sex only from the point of view of physiological necessity is incorrect, since the success of this action and the benefit from it depend on many different factors. But if you touch only the physical side of the issue, then say how much you need to have sex, perhaps, only fanatically adhere to the standards is not worth it.

How much should you have sex with a man and a woman?

It's not a secret that the frequency of sexual contacts depends on the concentration of sex hormones, which is different for each person. A great influence on this indicator is the place of residence. It has long been noted that Southerners are more temperamental than people familiar with all the "delights" of cold winters. And, of course, age can not be ignored either - the older the person, the less sex hormones the body produces, and the less sexually active a person is. It is the last factor guided by sexologists, answering the question of how much time a week you need to have sex. Here are the guidelines they give to all curious:

It should be noted that these standards are more relevant to the male part of the population, but this is only because until recently no one thought how much sex the girl needed. It was connected with the opinion that only men's health depends on the regularity of sexual relations , and women seem to be able to manage without it for years without completely harming their health. But recently, more and more often talk about the connection of diseases of the gynecological sphere with irregular sexual life . So sex is equally necessary for both sexes, but how many times they should happen depends only on your desire, and not on the statistics.