How to become cute?

How to become cute and be in the center of attention of the opposite sex? The question is not easy, but this can be every woman. For this you need to know only a few secrets.

How to become sweet and gentle?

  1. It is in communication that a person is able to unfold. Learn sincere communication. Drop the falsity. Kindly treat the world around you. Watch your own speech: do not start a conversation with such phrases "I'm furious ...". Already from the first minutes they repel the interlocutor.
  2. If there was a code of sweet girls, it definitely would say not only how to watch the tone of the voice, but how to become charming, adding melodious notes to it. So, try not to break into a cry during a passionate defense of your own point of view. Correct the stock of words, throwing out of it abnormal phrases.
  3. Pay attention to your walking. The icon of the style of Brigitte Bordeaux has always admired and enchanted her posture, her gait . Her movements radiate femininity. In this case, convex forms are always covered.
  4. How to become cute? Just be modest in makeup. Everything should be in moderation. People have always been fascinated by natural beauty, so try to choose make-up, which will emphasize your beauty, and not turn you into a vulgar person.
  5. Take care of appearance, cleanliness of hair, nails, etc. After all, strangely enough, "they meet on clothes." Your style should always be part of your inner world. Take care that the length of the skirt, the depth of the decollete is not too frank. Go to gentle ballet flats, elegant shoes, shoes. Exclude clothes of a rough style from the wardrobe, catchy, in places, aggressive. Sports suit, sneakers - you do not need to turn it into everyday comfortable clothes.