Seedlings of flowers

Many growers prefer to propagate perennial flowers by dividing the bush, cuttings or tubers, refusing to grow seedlings with seeds because of the laboriousness of the process. However, everything is not so terrible, if you follow certain rules, use the right tools and other accessories. About how to plant and grow seedlings of flowers, as well as about what flowers can be grown seedlings, our article will tell.

What flowers are grown by seedlings?

Usually seedlings grow those flowers that do not survive when sowing directly into the open ground. To such colors with weak and small seeds concern:

Also on the seedlings are sown those flowers that have a long growing season. Their seeds are sown in March to enjoy their flowering as early as possible. Such flower crops include:

Planting time for seedlings

Observing the timing of planting flowers for seedlings is important if you want to get early flowering. The time for seeding begins with the end of winter-early spring. Usually, the more accurate planting time for a particular plant is indicated on the package from the seeds.

Some types of flowers require an even earlier planting. For example, clove Shabo and lobelia planted in January, which is due to a very long period of germination of their seeds and the development of seedlings.

Preparation of seeds and soil for planting

Experienced flower growers recommend before planting to soak seeds for 10-12 hours in warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. And for their earlier germination - also in the solution of "Epin" or "Zircon".

Soil preparation is also mandatory. You can buy a ready-made substrate or cook it yourself. If you choose the second option, you need to mix sand, compost, turf and peat in a ratio of 1: 2: 2: 3. And before planting seeds, the soil also needs to be decontaminated by pouring a weak solution of potassium permanganate and drying it. Plant the seeds in a slightly cool ground.

As for seedlings, flower growers use disposable plastic cups, containers, crockery and yogurt packets or packets of milk or kefir. Dishwasher must be cleaned thoroughly and make holes for draining the water. It also requires a layer of drainage - coarse sand or fine expanded clay.

Growing sprouts of flowers without earth

Some types of flowers can be grown by landless methods. This method is called "Moscow", and it consists in the use of toilet paper and polyethylene film.

And yet, it is good to grow seeds. And when 1-2 real leaflets appear on them, they still need to be planted in a container with soil for further growth and development.

How to care for seedlings of flowers?

No matter how you grow seedlings, you need to look after them. after the shoots. Like any other seedling, flower seedlings require timely watering, sufficient lighting, feeding, picking.

It is also necessary to monitor the likely development of diseases such as "black leg" or mold. In case of signs of problems, it is necessary to remove diseased plants, add sand and ash to the container, treat soil and plants with foundation.

Of course, to grow a good, strong and healthy seedling flowers, you need to make a lot of effort. However, this ensures that you will receive those flowers that are conceived, and not those that were available in the flower shop.