When to transplant lilies - in the autumn or in the spring?

Timely transplantation of lilies is a pledge of their good growth and beautiful abundant flowering. However, one should know: how often it is necessary to transplant lilies, largely depends on their variety . Thus, the lilies "Martagon", as well as American hybrids need a transplant only once every 10 years, but Asian hybrids, as well as tubular ones, require changing their location annually. This is due to the fact that they grow bulbs very quickly.

Important is the right choice of the season for transplanting these flowers. Let's find out when it's best to transplant lilies - in spring or, conversely, in the fall, and in what month it should be done.

At what time of year should lilies be transplanted?

Many beginners mistakenly believe that all flowers should be transplanted only in the spring, but this is not so. It turns out that the best time to transplant lilies to a new location is the end of August. But for varieties with medium flowering periods this time is somewhat shifted, about a month - this means that the transplantation is desirable towards the end of September.

So, in order to transplant the lily, first dig it out with a rhizome - bulb, lightly shake off the ground and carefully examine it. A healthy lily bulb should be clean, without visible damage, with a well developed root system. If everything is in order, the bulb can immediately be transplanted to a new location, previously wrapped with ordinary moss for protective purposes. Dried tubers, as they do with other flowers, in the case of lilies are optional. However, if the bulb has spots or its roots are dark, with signs of the presence of the fungus, it is necessary to disinfect. The bulb is washed in running water and placed in a solution of potassium permanganate, "Fundazol", "Benlat" or other disinfectant.

If you have dug more than one bulb, and the whole nest, it should be divided into separate bulbs, which can then be planted in different places. Small bulbs, as well as children should be planted in a separate garden - the school - for doraschivaniya.

As you have already understood, the best time, when it is possible to transplant lilies, is the end of summer or the beginning of autumn. However, if necessary, the lily can be transplanted in spring, and it is desirable to do this before the appearance of the buds.

There is another important point - if the lilies have nowhere to be transplanted or you just want to keep the flower bed in its original place, you can keep the flowers growing here, but the soil needs to be completely replaced.