How to care for snails?

All snails are night residents, so they are activated in the evening and at night. Contain snails in aquariums, terrariums, plastic houses for rodents, in greenhouses for seedlings and flowers and even in any plastic containers. The house for the snail should be with a lid, in which it is necessary to make holes for ventilation.

Aquarium snails - conditions of detention

For the normal life of snails, it is necessary to maintain the humidity of air within 90%, and the temperature should reach 30 ° C. To maintain this moisture, one or two times a day, spray snails and aquarium walls from the spray gun or in the evening to bathe the ulek. At the bottom of the house you need to pour sand from 2 to 10 cm, depending on which snails you will live. To decorate the aquarium, you can use natural bark of trees, driftwood and twigs. It is obligatory to put a container of water in the snail's house so that the hive can drink or swim.

How to take care of land snails in Africa?

Akhatiny is perhaps the largest land mollusk: under favorable conditions they grow to 300-400 g of weight. In nature, this snail reproduces very quickly, and also eats everything on its way, down to the plaster on the houses. Therefore, it is prohibited to breed them in some countries. At home, the snail presents no danger.

To keep it, you need a small terrarium or an aquarium. They eat absolutely everything that you give them, very fond of cucumbers. What is characteristic is the smell of no ahatina do not publish. They do not like bright lights, they have no hearing, but the sense of smell is very good. Under adverse conditions, the snail may fall into hibernation.

Grape snails - content

Grape snails are easily kept at home. For its maintenance, an aquarium with good ventilation is suitable. At the bottom should be a mixture of slightly moist earth and activated carbon. The temperature during the day should be about 22 ° C, and at night - not below + 19 ° C. In the house must be a shallow pond, plants, stones, limestone, and even half the pipes in order for the snails to hide in them from the heat. In a container with snails, one must constantly maintain cleanliness, this will prevent the infection of mollusks with mites, nematodes and other diseases.

Helen snail - content

Helen snail is a predatory variety of snails, a kind of biological method for combating too many snails in the aquarium. This mollusc has a brightly colored shell and predatory habits. They are contained in aquariums with a layer of sand or fine stone on the bottom. Eat most often other mollusks. Helena attacks her victim and practically sucks out all the juices, leaving only an empty shell.

With the right content of the snail - it's almost perfect pets.