The name for the black cat

Many of us are familiar with superstitions about black cats as if they are messengers of failure. And although this myth is long forgotten today, the dark wool of the fluffy beauties still pushes us to think about something mysterious and even magical. So when you become the master of such a beautiful animal, make sure that the chosen name for the cat of black color is just as unusual and mysterious.

In this, the appearance and character of the mustached pet plays an important role. Some owners are attracted to Old Russian names, however, most of the modern owners often try to come up with more original nicknames for their pets. In this article we will introduce several types of such interesting names.

How to name a black cat girl?

If on the first day of getting acquainted with the pet you did not manage to determine the name, do not rush. Observe the behavior of the crumbs, as she behaves. After such a small analysis, choosing a name for a black cat will be much easier. For example, a playful and very active baby can be characterized by the same "living" word. For example:

A beautiful name for a black cat, which has a more calm and temperamental character, will be:

If you can not decide how to name a black cat a girl, but want to coarse, use words related to high fashion or cinema. In this case, the names of black actresses will be an excellent option:

Considering that black color has always been appreciated in the world of high fashion, the names of great couturiers, such as: