Pink in Psychology

The mixture of red and white combined in itself, it would seem, absolutely incompatible manifestations of such feelings and emotions as aggression and purity of mind, thereby calming the first of them and giving force to the second. Therefore, pink color in psychology has always been considered as one of the most effective elements of color therapy and it is almost always used in cases where it is necessary to reduce the intensity of passions, or to help a person cope with irritability and anger.

Yin and Yang

From time immemorial, pink was considered the color of innocence, love and tenderness, bearing in itself exclusively the feminine principle and this attitude to it had quite good reasons. After all, it is a woman with a more subtle nature of feelings, it is much better able to smooth out acute angles in any conflict situations, rather than men. And there is nothing surprising in that, already in childhood, young women of the fair sex, choosing their clothes, accessories or even a dress for a doll, instinctively stretch to this color, not even realizing why they do it. The program of motherhood and caring for the offspring inherent in them at the genetic level is inconceivable without the manifestations of love and tenderness, and according to the psychology of color, pink is the direct impersonation of them.

Statistics show that, unlike women, most of the stronger sex are rarely tempted to pink, regardless of whether it's about clothing or the choice of the color of the walls in the room. The fact is that the softness of this tone contradicts their ideas of masculinity and strength, and the instinct of the hunter makes them prefer colors that are closest to the natural shades of the earth, stone and wood, or they surround themselves with cold blue-green tones, contemplation of which has a calming effect on the nervous system and adjusts to the working wave.

Everything is subjective

However, the significance of pink in psychology, as a symbol of tenderness and femininity, is not unitary and different people can perceive it in different ways. After all, the perception of any color is subjective and every person can have their associations with this mix of red and white, both positive and negative. And there are many women who, for example, like pink flowers, but who never buy a pink dress or bag, because on a subconscious level they understand that for self-realization and emotional comfort they need completely different colors, for example, black, giving self-confidence . It's all about the psychological state of each individual person in a particular period of time and from those tasks and goals that he at this moment poses. According to psychology, people who are prone to some kind of infantile choose the pink color in their clothing, preferring to depend on others and not particularly willing to take any responsibility.

But one way or another, pink is one of the most delicate shades that Mother Nature has given us, designed to please our eyes and to adjust the pulse of lovers to a romantic wave. And this, perhaps, the most important of his destiny will not undertake to challenge any, even the most eminent psychoanalyst.