Functions of the nervous system

The nervous system is divided into peripheral and central nervous system. The central system includes the spinal cord and the head, from which the nerve fibers diverge throughout the human body. They represent the peripheral nervous system. It connects the brain to the glands, muscles, and also to the sense organs.

Functions of the human nervous system

The main function of the nervous system is the introduction of an impact on the body from the outside, accompanied by an adaptive response of the human body. The brain consists of the trunk and the forebrain. Each department of the brain is responsible for performing certain tasks. Consider the functions of the central nervous system:

  1. Since the forebrain is divided into the final and intermediate, therefore, each carries in itself some functions. Thus, the hypothalamus, thalamus and limbic system are part of the intermediate. The first is the center of vital needs (libido, hunger), emotions. The thalamus performs the primary processing of information, its filtration. The limbic system is responsible for the emotionally impulsive behavior of the individual.
  2. The structure of this nervous system includes cells called neuroglia. They perform a supporting function, take part in the metabolism of cells of the nervous system.
  3. In the spinal cord there is a white substance that forms the pathways. They connect the dorsal and main brain, separate segments of the brain to each other. Ways perform a conductive, reflex function.
  4. Analyzers play the role of reflectors in the consciousness of a person in the external material world.
  5. The activity of the cerebral cortex is a higher nervous activity and performs a conditioned reflex function.

The main functions of the central nervous system are the implementation of simple and complex reflective reactions, called reflexes.

CNS with limbs and organs connects the peripheral nervous system. It is not protected by bones, which means that it can be exposed to toxins and mechanical damage.

Functions of the peripheral nervous system

  1. PNS is divided into vegetative and somatic, each of which performs certain functions. The somatic nervous system is responsible for coordination of movements and for receiving stimuli coming from the outside world. It regulates activities that control a person's consciousness.
  2. The vegetative, in turn, performs a protective function in the event that a danger or a stressful situation is imminent. Responsible for blood pressure and pulse. When a person is worried, she, having recorded a feeling of excitement, raises the level of adrenaline.
  3. The parasympathetic system, which is part of the vegetative system, performs its functions when the individual is at rest. She is responsible for the narrowing of the pupils, stimulation of the genitourinary and digestive system.

And yet, what functions does the nervous system perform?

  1. Getting information about the world around the person and the state of the body.
  2. Transfer this information to the brain.
  3. Coordination of the conscious motion.
  4. Coordination and regulation of heart rhythm, temperature, etc.

Violation of the functions of the nervous system

Violation of its functions can result from:

  1. Curvature of posture (pinched vertebrae).
  2. Poisoning by toxic substances.
  3. Alcohol abuse.
  4. Multiple sclerosis.
Take care of your health. Take care of it from an early age. Love your body and your body.