What is useful for viburnum?

Tasty, beautiful and representing an incredible value for health, viburnum has been grown on homestead land since olden times, and it was also collected on the banks of rivers, on felling areas and in shady forests. Even then the ancestors knew how useful the viburnum was and harvested not only its fruits, but also bark and leaves. The bunches were hung directly outside the window or folded into the attic so that they could be caught in frost. This removed unnecessary bitterness and opened up wide opportunities for culinary experiments.

Why is the fruit of the viburnum useful?

Berries contain a whole complex of various nutrients, including vitamins - A, K, PP, minerals - phosphorus , iron, essential oils, phytoncides, pectic and other acids - valerian, acetic and tannic substances. According to the content of ascorbic acid, red juicy fruits far outstrip raspberry and citrus fruits. Such a rich composition makes it possible to widely use the useful properties of red viburnum in the treatment of various diseases.

It is used to combat viral infections and colds, as well as hypertension, gastritis, colitis, atherosclerosis, stomach ulcer and 12-colon. Infusions, decoctions and teas from this berry are indicated for spasms of vessels, skin diseases, including rashes of incomprehensible origin, as well as nasal bleeding. Those who are interested in how useful red viburnum for women, it is worth noting that in its fruits contain substances - prototypes of female sex hormones. Therefore, the ripe berry is useful to use during menopause, and infusions and decoctions of bark, flowers and seeds to drink as a treatment and prevention of mastopathy, painful menstruation, uterine bleeding.

Kalina is an excellent anti-inflammatory and choleretic. To make this, mix in equal parts with viburnum, birch buds and mint, pour 1 tbsp. l. collecting a glass of freshly boiled water, and after half an hour to filter and take 1 tbsp. l. after a meal.

By systematically eating delicious and ripe berries, you can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve heart function. To combat hypertension, it is recommended to mix fruits with motherwort and valerian. Such a collection is favorable for the nervous system. For the expansion of blood vessels, it is possible to cook kvass from viburnum and beet: peel 250-300 g of burgundy vegetable, grate and boil in water, pour 1.5 cups of liquid into the container. Calvinum in an amount of 300 grams is washed and protowned over low heat under a lid in the same volume of water. Broth mix, add 1/3 cup of sugar, bring to a boil and cool. Keep in the refrigerator and drink 1/3 cup.

The juice of the viburnum well strengthens the immune system and can be combined with honey, sea ​​buckthorn oil , dog rose infusion. With angina her broth rinse the throat, and with hemorrhoids insist on alcohol. With its help, even fighting with oncology, applying infusion of flowers courses. It is believed that it enhances the effect of traditional medicines.


Now we know how useful the viburnum is, but it also has contraindications. First of all, the fruits can cause allergies and individual intolerance, which often develop due to the Viburnin glycoside, which is part of the berries, which gives them characteristic bitterness. Kalinoterapiya not recommended for hypotension, people with high acidity of gastric juice, suffering from urolithiasis, arthritis, gout, pregnant women and breastfeeding. Of course, the useful properties of the Kalina are undeniable, but if contra-indications concern someone reading this article, then it is better not to take risks.