The Benefits of Fat

Salo is a product, the benefits and harms of which can be argued endlessly. Of course, the high caloric content of fat is inappropriate for diets, but this dish also contains useful substances needed by our body.

The use of fat for the human body lies in its unique composition, since this product represents the deposition of nutrients, there is a lot of valuable in it. For example, lard has a rich supply of vitamins A , E, F and D.

From this set of vitamins, retinol helps to protect the body from external adverse effects, including ultraviolet irradiation. Vitamin F consists of linolenic and arachidonic acids, which are vital, they help the cardiac muscle, they also contribute to mental activity. Vitamin F is essential for the proper functioning of the renal tubules. Also, the positive effect of this vitamin on the dermis is known, thanks to the normalization of the sebaceous and sweat glands, it gives elasticity to the skin, improves its color and makes it smooth. Stocks of vitamin delivered to the body with fat, are important for calcium metabolism and strengthening of the skeleton.

The benefits of lard can be judged by the acids contained in it - oleic, linolenic, stearic, etc. These substances have a strengthening effect on the vessels, and also give them elasticity. Due to these acids, cholesterol plaques dissolve and are released. There is a certain paradox - you can get rid of harmful cholesterol by eating fat, rich in cholesterol and fatty acids.

Benefits and contraindications of fat

Particularly beneficial fat brings to women, because. it is rich in vitamin E. This vitamin is often called - "female", it is indispensable in the production of female hormones, to improve reproductive function, helps to normalize the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. Therefore, if a woman has problems in the field of female organs, lard is simply necessary for her. Still this vitamin positively influences a skin, improving exchange processes in dermis, it promotes deducing or removing toxins from layers of a derma.

Contraindication to the use of fat can be pancreatic diseases, accompanied by a violation of the production of enzymes. If the enzymatic activity of gastric juice and the contents of the duodenum is weak, then such a fatty product, like bacon will stagnate in the small intestine, cause a feeling of nausea. You can not eat fat and sick hepatitis of various etiologies and with cholecystitis.