Chicken liver - calorie content

Chicken liver is an excellent dietary product. It has a special taste and large sets of nutrients, which are so often lacking in the diet of a slimming person. Chicken liver perfectly replaces more high-calorie meat, it can be served with a light side dish or used as one of the ingredients in salads.

Caloric content of chicken liver

Dieticians have long recognized this product as necessary for those who struggle with excess weight . The reason was that the calorie content of the chicken liver is relatively small - in 100 g contains about 130-140 calories. In this case, the proteins in the liver of chicken are more than fat, and for those who lose weight it is of great importance. However, this relates to the boiled product, the calorie content of the roasted chicken liver is somewhat higher, it depends on the amount of oil or fat that you add during cooking, and on average is about 160 to 200 calories per 100 g of dish. The calorie content of chicken liver, steamed, is the same as the raw product - about 130 calories per 100 g.

Ingredients of chicken liver

This product is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

  1. In the liver of the chicken, the iron content is high. This element is part of the hemoglobin - a compound that carries oxygen. Without oxygen, fats and other nutrients can not be split, so a lack of iron ultimately leads to a deterioration in metabolism.
  2. Also, the chicken liver is very rich in vitamin A, which gives shine and elasticity to the hair, improves the skin condition, makes the nails strong and supports the eyesight.
  3. This product is a source of folic acid or vitamin B9. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune and circulatory systems of the body. The presence of folic acid makes chicken liver very useful for pregnant women, especially in the early stages, when the child's nervous system is laid.
  4. In addition to vitamin B9, the liver is rich in other B vitamins that regulate the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body.
  5. The content of vitamin E. is high in chicken liver. This compound not only supports the skin and hair in an ideal condition, it is a powerful antioxidant and regulator of reproductive function.

Chicken liver is great for losing weight, not only because it has a small energy value. Its regular use makes it possible to improve the skin condition and work of immunity, as well as to prevent the development of anemia, which is very important for those who want to lose excess weight and keep a slender figure. In addition, the calories of chicken liver are "good" - most of them are contained in proteins, and proteins are needed to lose weight, as they slowly split and suppress hunger for a long time. In addition, high protein content makes chicken liver an excellent product for athletes and just those who regularly train to lose excess pounds.

How to choose and cook a chicken liver?

To summarize, we note that the chicken liver has a full set of qualities that make the product desirable to lose weight. Of course, all this applies only to fresh chicken liver, which has a normal smell, a smooth reddish-brown color without blood clots and a smooth shiny surface. If you want to cook a fried liver, then it is desirable to fry it on a small amount of vegetable oil, so that the caloric content of the finished product does not greatly increase. The liver of the chicken is very tender and soft, however, some of its taste may seem specific, since it contains a slight bitterness. To get rid of it, it is recommended to hold the liver in milk before cooking.