Scorpion bite

The habitat of scorpions - warm and dry terrain. There are about 1500 groups of these arthropods, but no more than 25 species represent a real danger to humans. The bite of a scorpion can be both deadly and almost safe. Everything depends on the degree of toxicity of the venom of the arthropod, as well as the state of the immune system of the victim.

Is the scorpion bite dead?

Despite the fact that the sting with a bag full of poison is present in absolutely all scorpions, only such varieties should be feared:

Neurotoxins injected by one of these arthropods into the injection site can paralyze the muscles of the chest, the heart nerves and the brain, cause severe convulsions and spasms. The consequences of the bite of such a scorpion in the absence of first aid - severe disruption of the nervous system, death.

What should I do if I bite a scorpion?

If a puncture is found from the needle on the tail of a non-venomous arthropod, no special therapeutic measures are required. Local skin reaction to the damage will disappear on their own within a few hours. To accelerate recovery, as well as prevent infection of the wound, it can be treated with antiseptic , apply a cold compress.

First aid with a scorpion bite of an unknown or poisonous species:

  1. In the first seconds, it makes sense to slightly cut the wound and suck or squeeze out the poison. Modern portable first-aid kits are equipped with a special suction in the form of a miniature pump or pump.
  2. Burn the place of the bite with a burning match or a heated metal spoon, a coin. So you can destroy the neurotoxins.
  3. Treat the wound with any antiseptic.
  4. Apply tight bandages above and below the puncture zone to slow the spread of the venom with the bloodstream.

It is important to seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

Treatment of a scorpion bite

During transportation of the victim, doctors will try to slow the absorption of toxins. To do this, the place of the bite is corked with Novocaine solution (1%) and Adrenaline.

At admission to a medical institution, atropine injections (0.1%) at 0.5-1 ml are prescribed. Also used are alpha-adrenoblockers, in particular - dihydroergotoxin (0.03%) in 0.5-1 ml.

There are also specialized serums from the defeat of the nervous system and the brain with scorpion venom.