Oscillococcinum is an analogue

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy that is used to treat colds and flu. Also, the medicine is used for preventive purposes during the spread of ARVI. Active substance Otsilokoktsinuma is an extract of the liver and heart of the Barbary duck, which is quite unusual, since strong drugs are often based on chemical rather than natural substances.

Oscillococcinum is taken solely on the advice of a doctor and the course of treatment is very short - up to three days. As a prophylactic medicine is used every 7-8 days.

What can replace Oscillococcinum?

Many analogues of the drug have a longer course of treatment, they also differ in the active substance and form of manufacture. In most cases, Oscillococcinum combines with its counterparts only the purpose and list of indications for use. Despite this, there are still worthy substitutes for a known medicine, namely:

What is better - Kagocel or Oscillococcinum?

Kagocel is a synthetic medicinal product with antimicrobial, antiviral and immunostimulating effects. The drug is used to treat diseases of viral etiology, namely:

Kagocel, like Otsilokoktsinum, is used for prophylaxis, but its dose is much larger - 2 tablets once a day for two days. After a five-day break, the course should be resumed. Depending on the activity of spreading the viral infection, Kagocel can be used up to several months. Thus, the course of Kagocel prophylaxis is considerably longer than in Oscillococcinum.

Which is better - Arbidol or Otsilokoktsinum?

Arbidol is a cold remedy with immunomodulating effect. It is used to treat diseases caused by acute respiratory infections, including influenza A and B. The main difference between Arbidol and Otsilokoktsinum is that it not only prevents the development of infection, but also stimulates the humoral and cellular immune responses, which helps the body to transfer the disease more easily.

The advantage of Arbidol is also the fact that the drug is quickly absorbed into the food tract, therefore the maximum concentration is achieved in two hours. Therefore, the course of treatment lasts no more than seven days. For prevention, the medication is taken once a week, for four weeks.

Both Arbidol and Otsilokoktsinum are relieved of ARVI and influenza. In addition, both drugs show the same side effect - an allergic reaction.

Which is better - Antigrippin-Anvi or Otsilokoktsinum?

Antigrippin-Anvi is a combined preparation consisting of three active components that harmoniously complement each other:

  1. Acetylsalicylic acid - has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.
  2. Metamizole sodium is an anti-inflammatory substance that has a therapeutic effect and does not adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Diphenhydramine or dimedrol - substance has anti-allergic effect, it helps to reduce edema and hyperemia of the nasal membranes.
  4. Calcium gluconate - reduces edema and exudative phenomena by penetrating into the vascular walls of the inflammation focus.
  5. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C - regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

This set of active substances guarantees the effectiveness of the drug, so it is a worthy cheap analogue of Oscillococcinum. But at the same time, it has an impressive list of side effects.