Breathing exercises for pregnant women

During the waiting period of the child, all the organs of the pregnant woman experience an increased load. To improve the performance of various systems and strengthen the body as a whole, the future mother is recommended to do special exercises, both gymnastics and respiratory exercises.

What are the benefits of breathing exercises for pregnant women?

  1. Performing various breathing exercises during pregnancy helps the expectant mother to remain calm and relaxed, which is very important for the woman and her baby.
  2. In addition, the correct breathing of a pregnant woman helps improve the blood circulation of the placenta, which means that the baby will be protected from oxygen starvation, getting enough nutrients.
  3. Finally, special exercises for pregnant women on breathing teach a woman the correct sequence of breaths and breaths during childbirth. Those girls who know how to control their breath and are not lost on the eve of an early birth, endure fights much easier.

Respiratory gymnastics during pregnancy

In this article, we offer you some elements of respiratory gymnastics for pregnant Svetlana Litvinova. All of her exercises are extremely clear and simple, and, moreover, incredibly effective.

  1. Chest breathing. Before performing this exercise, you must put both hands on your hips. Then inhale the maximum amount of air and exhale as slowly as possible.
  2. Diaphragmatic breathing. Here one hand should be placed on the hip area, and the second one - on the rounded tummy. Then the woman makes a short quick breath in her nose, with the diaphragm lowered, and the belly protrudes. Then you need to quickly exhale through the nose or mouth. After about 1-2 seconds, the exercise can be repeated.
  3. Dog's breathing. In this exercise, you need to stand on all fours and breathe through your mouth as quickly as possible.