Ninth obstetric pregnancy week

It is necessary to know that the ninth maternity week of pregnancy is actually about the seventh week from the moment of conception. They explain this by the fact that the obstetrical term of pregnancy is counted from the last month's day, and not from the day when the fertilization of the egg occurred.

On the ninth week begins the third month of pregnancy. Thus, the first trimester is coming to an end. At this time, a woman usually already understands her situation. The most responsible mothers register for pregnancy.

Nine midweek weeks - what happens to the fetus?

So, at week 9 the baby is already called the fruit. Its length is 2-3 centimeters, and the weight varies between 5 and 15 grams. The fetal head still looks disproportionate to its body, but it gradually acquires a typical outline. The baby develops a neck, straightens the spine, and the so-called "tail" becomes a coccyx.

Eyes of the fetus are still closed in the ninth week, cartilaginous ears are visible. His mouth already resembles his lips. Handles and legs of the baby become longer, fingers grow longer, the feet increase. On the fingers are different marigolds, formed from the compacted epidermis. The fetus can already distinguish elbows.

At week 9, the fetus is actively forming the most important parts of the brain, as well as the whole central nervous system as a whole. The middle layer of the adrenal gland that produces adrenaline is formed. The heart, beating at a speed of 130-150 beats per minute, no longer bulges out of the chest cavity, the lungs develop a bronchial tree.

The condition of a woman in nine obstetric weeks of pregnancy

In this period, the placenta begins to function at full strength, and therefore after 9 weeks, the risk of miscarriage becomes lower, provided that the placenta perfectly copes with its task of supporting pregnancy and feeding the fetus.

The ninth obstetric week is characterized by the following changes in the body of the mother:

In addition, the body of the future mother accumulates fats, anemia may occur. A woman can continue to experience symptoms of toxicosis. It can be affected by drowsiness and fatigue.