What can not be done in the early pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a crucial stage in a woman's life. What can I do with pregnant women, and what can not be done, a gynecologist should determine and tell the future mother. In this article, we will find out what can not be done in the first trimester.

Correcting the way of life

So, tomorrow's moms should leave bad habits - drink, smoke, abuse caffeine.

What else categorically you can not do pregnant? In the early stages, it is necessary to abandon the products that can cause allergies - after all, it can then appear in the child. First of all, it's citrus, chocolate, strawberry. Of course, to exclude them completely from their diet is not necessary - limit their use to a minimum.

In the first trimester, hair should not be colored with a high ammonia content - it penetrates into the blood and harms the health of the mother and her crumbs. You can not also use aerosols, for example, hairspray, because, getting into the lungs, they harm the female body and crumbs. Answering the question what can not be done by pregnant women in the early stages, let's pay attention to water procedures. The high temperature of the water for a bath or shower is a contraindication during pregnancy. For this reason, women can not visit the sauna, bath, solarium, SPA-procedures.

Bath can be taken under conditions if:

In the early term, you can not lift weights and work hard at sports. It is necessary to replace heavy physical exertion with light exercises, cleaning at home.

Responsible should be taken to take medication. Many drugs are categorically contraindicated in women at the beginning of pregnancy, when only the placenta and the embryo organs are formed.

Care should be taken to use cosmetics. It is desirable to use funds from special series for expectant mothers.

People's signs: what can not be done by pregnant women?

Many women, especially during pregnancy, are superstitious. But some signs are not meaningless, and they can be explained. For example, in the people it is believed that future mothers can not iron cats. Indeed, this pet can cause toxoplasmosis. But if a woman after a dialogue with a cat will wash her hands, then nothing threatens her.

There are other signs that indicate what you can not do to pregnant women. For example, it is forbidden to sit with a woman, throwing a leg on her leg. And the reason is not that the child will be born club-footed, but that the mother is disturbed by the blood flow of the lower limbs and varicose veins may develop. It is necessary to satisfy all the whims of pregnant women in the diet - this is another popular opinion. And it has a logical explanation: the body of a woman tells you what kind of useful substances are necessary for her and her child. Accordingly, it is better to follow these tips and satisfy the gastronomic desires of the future mother.

The popular belief says that if a pregnant woman eats a lot of red fruits, then the child will be ruddy. Most likely, it's true - red berries can cause diathesis in a newborn.

Most of the popular beliefs about what can not be done in the early stages of pregnancy can be considered prejudices. For example, it is considered that it is undesirable to cut hair and buy children's clothes in advance. In fact, a woman even during pregnancy should take care of herself. And during this period, the condition of the hair deteriorates sharply, so mom, on the contrary, should often cut hair tips to look neat. Yes, and prepare for the appearance of the long-awaited child (buy a stroller, crib, children's clothes, etc.) should be in advance.

Thus, we answered the question that it is not possible for pregnant women in the first trimester. We want to remind you that the article describes only general recommendations. The early period of pregnancy in women takes place in different ways. Therefore, the future mother should personally know the doctor that she can at this time, and what not.