When does the abdomen begin to grow during pregnancy and what should I pay attention to?

Learning about their situation, many future mothers are interested in the question of when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy. Consider in more detail such a parameter as the circumference of the abdomen and find out what affects its size when carrying the baby, as the externally visible stomach changes during the weeks of pregnancy.

What determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy?

The abdomen during pregnancy grows gradually and in every pregnant woman this happens a little differently. There are a number of factors that determine the pace of this process. Among them:

  1. Anatomical features of the physique of the mother. It is established that women are thin, with narrow hips often have a small belly, with the normal weight of the future baby.
  2. Diet and speed of weight gain. An increase in body weight during pregnancy is a physiological norm. However, the process itself can proceed at different rates. In addition, the improvement in appetite in women in the position also affects the size of the circumference of the abdomen - an increasing fatty layer makes it visually greater.
  3. Location of the placenta. When the child's place is attached to the back wall of the uterus, the belly of the future mother of small size. It looks much larger, if the placenta is attached to the front of the uterine wall.
  4. Amniotic fluid volume. Inadequate or excess volume of amniotic fluid is reflected in the size of the abdomen.
  5. Functional state of abdominal muscles. Physically prepared expectant mothers have a smaller belly, looks taut, which makes it look smaller.
  6. The number of pregnancies. In primiparous women, the uterus is smaller, so the belly is small. This is due to the condition of the muscular apparatus of the genital organ.

At what time does the abdomen begin to grow?

Unequivocally tell the future mother, on what week of pregnancy begins to grow the stomach can not any gynecologist. These features of the gestation process are strictly individual. At some ladies it has the small size during all term. In this case, there is an averaged index. He is 16 weeks old - the time when the stomach is already noticeable for the mother and others. However, he begins to grow somewhat earlier. The active increase in the circumference of the abdomen begins at the end of the first trimester - from 12-13 weeks. By this time all organs and systems are formed, their body growth begins.

When does the abdomen begin to grow during the first pregnancy?

At the first pregnancy, the abdomen increases more slowly. This is due to the fact that the uterus and muscles of the abdominal press have not experienced before strong strains and are in their physiological state. The muscle fibers of these organs are not stretched, they have the right tone. Over time, as the fetus grows, their lengthening is noted - the abdominal muscles stretch under the pressure of the body weight of the baby and amniotic fluid. Directly on the values ​​of these parameters depends on the rate of growth of the stomach - they determine when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy.

Answering the question of pregnant women regarding the month of pregnancy the abdomen begins to grow, gynecologists point to 4 months from conception. However, this does not mean that every future mother notices immediately this time. All individually, and some women externally change already and on the 3rd month of gestation. Particularly visible is the small tummy of thin women with low growth. Dense women, with rounded forms, manage to "hide" their situation longer.

When does the abdomen begin to grow during the second pregnancy?

Talking about when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy as a second child, doctors note the earlier beginning of this process. This is due to the stretching of the uterine ligaments, which change their size after the first pregnancy. In addition, the muscles of the abdominal wall relax - the abdomen becomes suspended, loses its elasticity and plane. Because of this, even a slight increase in its volume is noticeable. On average, the change in the abdominal circumference associated with pregnancy is noticeable in the miscarriages at 13-14 weeks.

When does the abdomen begin to grow in a multiple pregnancy?

Because of the increased growth of the uterus, with multiple pregnancies, the abdomen increases somewhat earlier. So when the stomach begins to grow with the current pregnancy, it goes just 12 weeks gestation. Directly this term is indicated by gynecologists, answering the question concerning when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy of twins. Even close people can notice the changes. At the same time, the belly itself grows at a fast pace - by the 17th week some pregnant women experience inconveniences with sleep and rest.

Where does the abdomen begin to grow during pregnancy?

Wanting to control the changes that occur with the body when the baby is born, women often interact with doctors, where the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy. The increase in it occurs at first slightly above the pubis. This is due to the growth of the uterus in the area of ​​its bottom. Immediately there are first changes. This area is felt for palpation of the anterior abdominal wall, which is performed for the first time when the pregnant woman is registered for a period of 12 weeks.

Why does not the abdomen grow during pregnancy?

When the stomach begins to grow actively during pregnancy - it's all noticeable. But often women complain to doctors - the belly does not grow during pregnancy. This is noted in future mothers who have a dense physique, lush forms. In such cases, a small increase in the volume of the abdomen is imperceptible. When the growth of the abdominal circumference does not occur in lean, low women, it is necessary to exclude pathology. The mismatch of the size of the abdomen with the gestational age may indicate such complications of pregnancy as:

Early started to grow the abdomen during pregnancy

Many pregnant women are in trouble, claiming that they began to grow a belly at the 8th week of pregnancy. Doctors do not exclude such an opportunity, explaining it with individual anatomical features. It is important and what kind of account this pregnancy is. If a woman expects the appearance of a second child, and the youngest is just 1.5-2 years old, then this option is possible. The rapid increase is due to the presence of stretched abdominal muscles and large uterine sizes. In addition, an increase in the abdomen at short periods may be explained: