39th week of pregnancy - active stirring

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother looks forward to the beginning of the perturbations, and then constantly monitors the motor activity of the child. Before birth, their strength and quantity usually change markedly - some children begin to push more strongly, while others, on the contrary, quiet down.

What does this mean, and what can the active movements of the fetus mean at the 39th week of pregnancy? Let's find out!

What do active shifts mean at week 39?

First of all, it should be noted that at such a long period of time the baby does not have enough space in the uterus, so the wiggling will not be as turbulent as before. However, the child himself is already strong enough, he is ready to be born, and therefore his future mother feels very active, so much he sometimes jostles.

If your baby after 36-37 weeks began to behave more calmly, but it happens peaks of activity - this is absolutely normal. Strong perturbations at week 39 can talk about a lot. This may be the discontent of the child with a forced position in the space already close to him or preparing for childbirth, which the child leads from his side. He performs rotational and translational movements, dropping his head into the mother's pelvis - outwardly it looks as if the belly's belly has become lower, "lowered."

The fetal move test, which is usually conducted starting at week 28, will help you in determining the cause of such violent behavior of the crumbs. At 39 weeks of gestation, a minimum of three movements per day is considered to be three. On the average, however, the baby shows activity about ten times over a six-hour period of time. Keep in mind: if you feel much more jerks, this is the reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor, because excessive amounts may indicate intrauterine hypoxia - a lack of oxygen.