Atherosclerotic Heart Disease

The normal flow of blood in the coronary vessels can be disturbed due to their partial or complete overlapping of clusters of cholesterol. In such cases, atherosclerotic heart disease or arterial cardiosclerosis develops. The disease refers to chronic slowly progressing pathologies, which gradually cause a significant deterioration in the trophism of the heart muscles and suppression of the functions of the organ.

Causes of atherosclerotic heart disease and atherosclerosis of the aorta

The main factor contributing to the deposition of cholesterol on the inside of blood vessels is heredity. The fact is that atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis is a type of coronary heart disease, which also develops due to genetic predisposition.

The risk of circulatory disorders in the aorta is significantly increased for the following reasons:

Symptoms of atherosclerotic heart disease

The early stages of the described disease proceed without clinical signs. The expressed symptomatology arises only in case of strong narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels or their complete blockage with cholesterol:

These signs can remain stable for many years, but often progress.

Consequences of atherosclerotic heart disease

This pathology provokes several serious complications:

The most dangerous manifestation of atherosclerotic disease is the sudden death syndrome. It is characteristic for cases when the disease progresses sluggishly and asymptomatically.

Traditional treatment of atherosclerotic heart disease

Conservative therapy is carried out in 3 directions:

1. General methods:

2. Drug treatment:

3. Surgical intervention. With ineffective treatment with drugs to restore blood flow, aortocoronary shunting is used.

Any medicines are prescribed only by the cardiologist on an individual basis.

Treatment of atherosclerotic heart disease folk remedies

Methods of alternative medicine are designed for maintenance therapy and purification of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.

Recipe for medicinal tea


Preparation and use

Both plant components should be placed in a pot of water and boiled, and let it sit on the fire for 5 minutes. Insist a solution for a third of an hour. Received Drink used as a tea, adding to the taste of jam or honey.

Also phytotherapists recommend to supplement the diet with the following products: